Chapter 5

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"So where's dad?" He asked her.
"He went to the store to grab a few more ingredients for me."
"Oh okay." He said taking a seat on the couch and gesturing for me to sit next to him.
The house smelt musty and full of dust compared to the loft which was fresh and clean.
"Have you spoke to Jenna lately?" She yelled from the kitchen which was only a few feet away so she really didn't need to.
"Not since the surgery."
I shifted uncomfortably.
Thinking about him with her makes me sick to my stomach.
"We will be right back." He said.
"Follow me." He said taking my hand and I didn't pull away.
We walked into a room that was straight and clean still smelt funny but was nice. There was a twin bed and a dresser against the wall. With wooden shelves climbing up along the what I hoped were stained glass windows.
"These are your toys." I smiled picking up the small motorcycle.
"You don't play with them." He said standing up from the computer chair and reaching for the toy.
Our fingers touched and eyes met.
I leaned in and so did he our lips so close to touching.
"Toby! Your fathers home and dinners' ready!" She said walking in the room.
"Oh my I'm so sorry if I interrupted anything." She apologized over and over.
"Oh don't worry your perfectly fine." I said. I practically shoved the motorcycle in Toby's hands and scurried out of the room following his step-mom.
"I can't wait to see what you came up with." I smiled.
"Well I hope you'll like it." She smiled right back.
I started washing my hands in the sink.
"Spencer darling could you see where on Earth that boy is."
"Of course."
"Jenna, I told you back the hell off."
"But Toby, I'm blind."
"Don't play that blind bullshit card with me!"
I hid behind the wall but still leaned in so I could hear what they said.
"What do you want with that bitch anyway, it's not like when you two break up which you will she will be screwing every guy on the block."
"That's so untrue Jenna and you know it."
"Oh please it's not like she's even slept with anyone, I bet she's still a virgin for that matter."
My jaw dropped.
"Shut up before I beat you with your own damn cane."
"You wouldn't hit a girl."
"You wanta bet." He said stepping in her face.
"Always the protector, so courageous. We will see what conversations come up at the table."
He narrowed his eyes at her they weren't crystal blue anymore they had darkened I had never seen them like this.
He walked down the hallway and turned the corner colliding into him.
What was yet to come?

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