Holiday Hide and Seek

Start from the beginning

They all broke out into argument and Peter, Wanda and Shuri drifted away from the chaos. "At least the Menorahs still here." Wanda said. Peter and shuri nodded. Peter noticed something by the menorah stand and picked it up. "What is that?" Shuri asked. "Its a...note?" Peter opened it.

"It's a treasure hunt!" He showed them the note and they got excited. "We found something!" Shuri shouted. "Our gifts?" Sam asked "A clue!" Wanda chirpped excitedly. "Let me see that." Tony said taking the note from peter and reading it outloud.

"You are invited to join this holiday quest! To find the next treasure you must past this test. Each clue you solve will lead you to the next. Solving puzzles and decoding a secret text. Every clues answer is a number you see, The number will tell you where the next clue will be. The first clue is hidden within this very rhyme. Hurry, use your wits, and you'll get there in time."

Everyone looked confused. "What do you mean its in this rhyme? There are no numbers." Rhodey said. Peter looked at the paper again. "Hold up. Certain letters in the paper are bolded." He pointed out. Everyone looked and saw this was correct.

"T-w-e-n-t-y-n-i-n-e." Clint read aloud. "29." Everyone said. "What the hell does 29 have to do with anything?" Bruce asked. "Meeting room M-29." Shrui said."Or the 29th lab." Tony said. Wanda thought back to the cookies she made with Pepper.

"How many cookies are we making?" She asked Pepper. "Only 29." Pepper smiled. "Why only 29?" Wanda asked. "That specific number was requested and I don't feel like fighting the person who asked for it." Pepper said. Wanda shrugged and got out the flour.

"The cookies!" She ran over to the kitchen and started taking them out. "What do you mean the cookies? This is no time for a snack." Thor said. "No no no. Me and Pepper only made 29 cookies yesterday." Everyone looked confused but she found a piece of paper and read it out loud.

"You found it. Congrats! I thought that was easy. I made it so. This one may be a little hard so I'll keep it short. Just keep your eyes open and look for the little red glow." Everyone looked confused. "What's the number?" Natasha asked. "Ten." Wanda said.

"Something that's 10 with a little red glow? The lights? We got them ten years ago, when we became a team." Clint suggeted. They all looked at the lights and Rhodey shook his head. "You're thinking too literally."

He looked around the room and a little red dot caught his eye. He looked over and saw one of their decorative rudolphs, but the light on the nose was off. He looked at the rest of them and saw they were off too, and one was missing. He looked around the room and a litte red glow came from the corner table.

He knelt over and checked the batterys for that one and saw that there was a note folded up and stuck to the lid of the battery compartment. "Found it!" He said. Everyone turned over to him. "Where was it?" T'challa asked. "Under the rudolphs." Rhodey said. "Oh, that's the little red glow." Bucky said. "And we have 10 of them." Vision added. Rhodey unfolded the note.

"Rudolph the red nose raindeer, had a little funny nose. Get the joke? I assume you went for the tree first. That's such a you guys thing to do. Anyway the next clue should be easy. I'm not even gonna say. I'll just give yout a few of them by name. Home alone, Frosty the snowman, and The Holiday. Have you got it yet? Good luck."

"Holiday movies?" Pietro said. Everyone shrugged. "The number is twenty-five." Rhodey said. "25 Christmas movies. The theatre?" Steve guessed. Everyone agreed and ran to the common room. Everyone except Peter and Vision. "That's too easy." Peter said.

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