Just a quick Chapter

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Exactly what the title says

just a quick chapter

im not aiming for it to be long

buttt i also wasnt aiming for a lot of other things when writing so we'll see how this goes

this is based off of a headcannon that I saw somewhere

but I can't find it

and I barely remember it

so imma write this before I forget it

Current Avengers: Steve, Tony, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Loki, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Pietro, Peter, and Scott.

Platonic Ships: WinterSpider,

TW: Swearing,  Umm Sad Bois and Girls, Panic Attacks, Mentions of Mental illness

on to le story


Third person POV

I know you have probably read a lot of stories and seen a lot of films and seen that the avengers are always bright and rarely low and are always talking to eachother and having fun pretty much. I'm here to tell you that's not true.

It was about a year after the battle of New York and all the avengers eventualy moved into the Avengers Tower, they al had their own PTSD, Trauma, and Anxiety attacks. They all had to adjust to living with eachother and find something that worked.

You may be wondering what exactly they had to make work.

Well it started a few weeks after everyone moved in.

They were all sitting around and talking. Tony was not having a good day that day and wasn't really up for much but he wanted to try and be hospitable. It was around christmas time and they were all talking about gifts.

"I think I may get Fury a giant bear just to mess with him." Clint smirked. Everyone snickered. Tony however, had thought back to the giant bear he got Pepper for christmas last year. And that led to him thinking about when his house was blown up and she was put in danger.

His chest started to tighten and his eyes became glassy. "Tony, what about you?" Steve asked. Tony didn't hear him. He didn't even remember that he was in the room. "Tony?" Bruce asked. The next thing they knew Tony started having a full blown panic attack.

Everyone rushed to his side and tried to calm him down. It took a while but after some instructions from Jarvis on what to do they got his breathing normal and he was in a somewhat calm state of mind.

That led them to learning everyones triggers. Tony had a protocol that Jarvis started that studied their vitals and the conversations and what was going on around them whenever their vitals spiked or they had any type of Mental health related attack.

All the avengers had access to this list of triggers so they knew what to and what not to mention. They also decided they would need some sort of system because everyone has those days when they don't want anyone to talk to them.

So Natasha suggested Color Coded accessories. Everyone was on board with the idea. If you wore a red braclet, headband, or bandana that meant you didn't want to talk at all and you were having one of those days.

Yellow braclet, headband, or bandana meant that you didn't mind small talk but you weren't about to go start a conversation. Green Bracely, bandana, or headband meant that you were having a good day and you were down to talk. Blue or Nothing meant you were having an unusually great day.

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