Don't get mad at me guys

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This isn't an evil chapter I just wanna tell u guys something and I don't want you to get mad at me

So I have just started watching Agents of Shield

I'm binge watching it so by Friday I should have been through all 7 seasons -_-

I'm upset that it's gonna take me 5 days

I'm tryna make it faster

Any episodes I can skip and just like read a summary of?

Ok so

that wasn't the whole reason for this chapter

I was gonna say that 

there were 2 Agents of Shield related ideas 

One if Fitz-Simmons picked up Peter from school which I can see now after watching a few episodes why that would be funny


If Peter was raised with the Agents of Shield 

Like he grew up on, I think they call it the bus???

I am very impatient and I really wanna write these two like now

especially since I'm out of school tuesday and wednesday

and I will be soooo busy Saturday and Sunday so if I binge this week I wont be able to start until next week

which wouldn't be the end of the world if I wasn't the most impatient little bastard

and I have so many chapters I'm already writing and i'm excited for those too

but I am impatient

but I'll wait

man I forgot what I was talking about





oh yeah

would those two Ideas I listed above be something you guys would wanna see or no?

until then....

I will.....







shut up im thinking





i'll make you guys a chapter where...........




OH I got it

Peter grew up in Shield

As like their youngest agent

and like

super duper scary as a kid

like If he went to stay at Shield after his parents died

I think that one of you guys suggested that on the K So chapter

I'll find ur name and tag u in the chapter or just honestly comment who u were


I absolutely hate ward

like i want him dead

like i'm only on s1 episode 4 and I know he's evil

like who gets beat up by their brothers and it inspires them to learn to fight that well and be a hero....


ok imma go now becuase I don't even know what this A/N is anymore

also is this robot girl bad?

or is coulson right?

The girl that knocked over the van and-

imma stop talking and go now

bye :)

also you see how fast I change topics?

this is how my mind is 24/7 except with way more drastic changes

im leaving for real now

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