Racism Rant

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Alright so this is straight bullshit. For those of you who somehow don't know on May 25,2020 4 police officers killed George Floyd. Believe what you want but he was kneeling on his neck while George was screaming I can't breathe.

For anyone who is ignorant enough to sit here and agree with the cops I want you to think. What if someone you knew and loved was George Floyd. I don't care what race you are, black, white, red, green, Muslim, Hispanic, Chinese, Thai, whatever. I care a lot about people and this is outrageous.

The riots in Minneapolis. I know a lot of people are protesting but even seeing that people are just looting for fun is sickening. In Minneapolis I am so happy to see that all races are protesting together for the first time in years.

But seeing this everyday is just...it's concerning. So my family all wrote letters that we're gonna send when the quarantine is lifted and I just wanted to share mine in hopes that those who don't believe and don't fight for human rights, for black people rights, will start protesting and believing.

To whom it may concern,

I am a (censored) year old black girl. I have cousins and brothers and uncles and friends who are also back. I fear for my life Every time my mom gets pulled over. I pray for my dad every time he leaves for work. I text and call my cousins before they go out to pray with them.

This is the world we live in and I should not have to fear that I will die before I graduate. I should not be seeing or attending funerals of kids no older than 18 for walking down the street or driving  unarmed and being killed just because people feel like it.

One of my moms friends sons were killed on Halloween. He was dressed as Mario and his 2 year old daughter (who does not have a mother by the way) was dressed as Luigi. He was shot. There has been no arrest made and this little girl not only grows up without it a father but had to watch her father die.

George Floyd was screaming he couldn't breathe and people got it on video and yet you still say you don't have all the facts. This is not ok. Martin Luther king,Rosa parks, Fredrick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, Al sharpton, Ella Baker and any other activist for civil rights did not fight just so we could go extinct because of cops.

I know it's not all police officers and to those who aren't racist I send my regards but I shouldn't be afraid to call the cops for any reason. If there was a bank robbery and I called the police would assume I did it simply because I'm black.

This is not the world me or any of my little cousins should have to grow up in. I'm not asking much I'm just asking for change. The 4 officers who killed George Floyd need to be fired. The one who kneeled on his neck needs to go to jail for life. And there needs to be no future cases such as this one

I know it's a lot to ask but I'm asking anyway.

Sincerely, A young African American woman

This has gotta stop guys.

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