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In this peter became spider man when he was 11 and met tony a few months later. When he was 12 Tony adopted him after May died and the avengers are all his family and he's 13 at the beginning. Civil war didn't happen and Shuri is 20 in this. And you will see why later on but Shuris Middle name in this is renae and MJ's is Mary

This is inspired by someone elses book but idk their name. So this may seem kinda similar to theirs but i dont take credit for this plot.

Do I even have to say there's gonna be swearing and violence?

Third Person POV

Peter Parker- Stark deserves the world. Everyone knows this. His family knows this. They promised they would never hurt him. Maybe thats why this hurt so much.

Lets back track. This all started a month before peter went to 8th grade. He came home from hanging out with his uncle Nick and there was another kid in his spot on the couch. It was a kid peter knew all too well. It was Skip Westcott.

Everyone seemed to be loving the older teen. Everyone Except Nat, Clint, Bucky and Shuri. They were over in the kitchen talking and looking appalled. "H-Hi dad." Peter said. "Oh peter this is Skip. He is my new personal intern." Tony said. "O-Ok." Peter didn't feel the need to mention that he was tonys personal intern.

Thats just how it started. Over time the avengers just started to forget about peter. Only Clint, Bucky, Shuri and Nat seemed to hate skip as much as him. Once they found out that Skip was the dude that molested peter when he was 9 they were furious and wouldn't let Skip within 50 feet of peter.

One day peter went to his room to find all of his stuff outside in boxes. "Oh peter. I gave skip your room. I realized he is way more useful and way better than you." Tony said. "I want you out of my tower in an hour." He said. "Oh." Peter said.

Peter grabbed his stuff and went to the elevator and as soon as he got out the tower he cried. "What's wrong peter?" Emily asked. Emily was one of the interns he was closer too."I just got fired..." He said. Dazed-ish. "STARK FIRED YOU!! Oh just he wait. Me and everyone are gonna give him a piece of our minds."

Then an orange portal came from beside them. "Peter. I need you to come with me." Strange said. "Wong has got your stuff. Come on." He said. "Hey emily. Don't kill Stark. I have some friends who would love to do that themselves." Strange said as him and peter closed the portal.

When he went through the portal they looked to be at the sanctum in Kamar-Taj. Nat, Bucky, Clint, and Shuri were there. As soon as his presence was announced, Nat gave him a big hug followed by everyone else there.

"I don't know why in his right mind stark would ever replace you peter. You are the greatest thing to ever happen to the avengers." Everyone agreed with nat. "And since stark threw you out, we got the papers signed and Me, Nat, Bucky, pepper and clint all have joint custody over you." Strange said.

"What about school?" Peter asked. Of course he would think about school. "You will still attend Midtown but you will train here and since your already ahead of like every american college we will teach you here."

Peter agreed and when he came to school monday what happened was un expected. The Principal came in their first period after the rest of his teachers didnt show up. "Hello class. For the next few months you guys are gonna have subs. Our normal staff was offered a vacation for as long as they want or until the subs get tired of you guys.

So for all of your substitutes I expect you all to be on your best behavior. Please meet your english sub Ms.Mornoffa." In came a sub who looked freash out of college. They may have had brown hair, freckels, and glasses but Peter would recognise those green eyes anywhere.

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