If the world was ending

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This song was requested by...

hold up lemme check



Ok I came on my phone to find who requested it and I got distracted by ur comments from the last chapter lol

Anyway this was requested by Garrido_Arni

after some extensive song listening and a lot of thinking

The first verse minus the first 4 lines could be Peter

The second verse minus minus the first 3 lines could be Tony and/or the other avengers

so I thought I would do it normally but switch the first few lines







Current Avengers: Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Loki, Wanda, Pietro, Sam, Bucky, and Rhodey.

(thor is off world)

Romantic Ships: IronFrost, Romanogers

Platonic Ships: All of em :)

TW: Swearing, Rethinking of life choices, Maybe a little bit of sadness, and uhhhh World ending scenarios


on to le story


Third Person POV

Well the avengers did it again. Or rather they didn't do it.

Some aliens had come disguised as people and observed humans to see how they worked and after seeing everything they did to eachother they decided that humans didn't deserve to live.

By the time Shield caught wind of what was happening it was too late.

The end was coming and they couldn't stop it.

They had sent out an Emergency Alert System to get the word out quickly to everyone about the end of the word, hoping to get as many people in shelters as possible.

The avengers were trying to figure something else but Fury told them they had lost before they even had a chance to fight. They were told to get their families and get to shelter immediately but all they had was eachother.

Tony got back to the tower to see everyone panicking and he was confused. "What happened?" Tony asked. "You didn't feel that earthquake?" Natasha asked. Tony shook his head. "I was...distracted and in traffic." Tony explained.

"Well apparently the world is ending." Clint said. Tony's eyes went wide. "What? What are we gonna do?" Tony asked.

"We could go to asgard." Loki said. "Would we be welcome there?" Tony asked. "Love, Thor would absolutely accept you guys. Father has no say in it since Thor is king." Loki said. "Alright ler's go." Wanda said. "Wait." Tony said.

"What?" Bruce asked. "Peter." Tony said. Everyone got sad faces for the boy they hadn't seen in a year. It's a year and they've finally learned how to kind of move on.

It was like a breakup with family. It hurt them for a long while to even see the colors red and blue. They finally learned how to think about him without ripping their hearts out.

"What...what about Peter?" Bucky asked. "The world is ending, he'd come over, right? Right?" Tony asked. They all shrugged. "Well we can't leave him." Natasha said. "Text him Friday." Tony said.

Peter was sitting in his apartment alone when he heard his phone ding. He looked at the contact and sighed.

Dad 💛❤💛❤

He forgot to change it.

He immediately knew it was about the earthquake. He tried to imagine their reactions. He kept thinking about how they were doing and how they were handling this. Knowing that the world was ending and they couldn't do anything about it.

It didn't scare him when the earthquake happened but it really got him thinking where the avengers and Tony were. He wondered if they were all out drinking, on a mission, or if they were just in the living room chilling watching television.

He couldn't get what they were doing out of his mind since he left. No matter how hard he tried.

But it didn't matter. It's been a year since it happened and he had eventually figure out how to let them go from his constant thoughts and get rid of the urge to text or call, eventually letting communication die out.

He just remembered how he thought they were going to be family forver but they just weren't meant to be family. They didn't get along but it's fine.

He decided to look at the text.

Hey, the world is ending. You'll come over right?

He stared at it for a second before typing a reply.


And he made his way down the street to the avengers tower while the empty streets made it seem like he was in the suburbs and not the city.

"Remember that night we went drinking?" Tony asked his friends as they waited for Peter. "Yeah, We stumbled in the house and didn't make it past the kitchen." Natasha said leaning up against Steve. They smiled at the fuzzy memory and sat in a tense but comfortable silence until Peter got there.

"Mr.Parker is on his way up." Friday announced. By the time they registered what she said, Peter was standing before them.

"Look Peter-" Wanda started. "I know. You know. We know." Peter said. "We weren't meant for eachother and it's fine."

They all smiled and they sat around enjoying their last few hours. Peter spent the night and when the time came they all sat out on the lawn.

"If this is it-" Steve started. "There is no reason why we will even have to say goodbye." Rhodey said.

And as the sky started to fall around them and the ground started to shake they just held eachother, finally hearing all of the emergency brodcasting systems over NewYork shut off.

Wanda had a forcefield around them and it was kind of sentimental as they all just held eachother while the world basically went to shit around them. As the ground beneath them started to fall they all smiled at eachother and loki said 4 little words that shaped their whole future.

"Heimdall, open the bifrost."

I uh

that sucked in my opinion

but if you liked it

then hey im not complaining

imma be set for chapters going through the K So chapter, The writers block has given me an idea chapter, normal chapter comments, and headcannons I had sent to me by my friends :)

well have a good day or night, depending on when you're reading this and where you are in the world.

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