S.S.S: Steve

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Welcome to the secret sibling series. Well we're meeting rogers not-so secret sister. 

All the avengers know's she exists and everyone thinks she's dead.

Her name is Stephanie Grace Rogers. Her and Steve are Twins. She wasn't as sick or scrawny as her brother but they both got the serum becuase.......she was with him.....til the end of the line. The serum had an even stronger effect on her because she wasnt a stick figure. She can do everything steve can.....but doubled. It also slowed her aging. 

She was in the army with peggy. She's tony's godmother and she helped make SHIELD and she also knew that HYDRA was trying to grow on the inside and stopped it before it got too bad.

Everything I didn't misplace happened the same way. So bucky didn't kill tony's parents and SHIELD never fell and the accords never happened but they still met everyone. Tony was never a playboy either.

Ships: Romanogers, Pepperoni, Spideypool


Third Person POV

July 4th, 1918

"Just one more push Sarah." Joseph rogers said to his wife. She pushed really hard and the doctor smiled. "Congradulations Mr. and Mrs.Rogers you have a a beautiful baby girl and Handsome baby boy." Sarah and joseph smiled at eachother. "What do you want to name them?" The doctor asked handing the new parents their kids.

"For the boy....Steven. For the girl.....Stephanie." Sarah Said. "Joseph you choose their middle names." Joseph thought about it. "What about Grant for Steven and Grace for Stephanie." Sarah smiled. "Steven Grant Rogers and Stephanie Grace Rogers. Sounds amazing." He said and kissed his wife. His daughter looked at him with her baby blue eyes. He smiled at her and she grinned.

"I can't wait for what the future holds." Sarah said and joseph smiled and agreed.

August 16th, 1923

"Steve come on. Bucky's mom made cookies." Stephanie said dragging her brother next door. They knocked on the door and Mrs.Barnes answered. "Hello Stephanie, Hi steven. Would you guys like to eat some cookies and play with bucky?" They nodded and she laughed at the twins.

She stepped aside and they ran in and saw bucky waiting with cookies. "Hey Steph, Hey Steve." He smiled. "Hey Bucky." They said in usion. "Cookies?" They both nodded and grabbed one. "What do you want to play?" Steve asked. "Lets play Pirate." Bucky said. They nodded and they all ran outside.

They were playing for a while before They decided to play army instead. "Are you gonna be a nurse steph?" Bucky asked. "Why would I be a nurse? I'd rather be a General." Stephanie clarified. "But your a girl! You cant be a general." Bucky said.

Stephanie frowned and turned to him. "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean i'm any less capable of fighting barnes. Mark my words, I will be a general in the army." Bucky nodded his head and they continued playing til supper.

May 4th, 1939

"Y'all are wimps. I'll come back every few months." She said to the two boys who just wouldn't let go. "But you're joining the army. Who's gonna help me get stevie out of trouble." Bucky pouted. "Jerk." Steve said. "Punk." Bucky replied.

"Y'all are going to get me in trouble if you don't let go." They reluctantly let go of her. "You promise you'll be back?" Steve said. "I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die, beat my twin until I cry." She said. Steve nodded in approval.

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