Peter Parker or Peter Stark?

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Hola Soy Dora!

Just kidding!

wElCoMe tO aNoThEr cHaPtEr

Today we have irondad in a sense. And we get a little bit of a little baby Peter. Now on to the Story.

Current Avengers (Irrelevant for the first bit): Tony, Steve, Natasha, Thor, Clint, Bruce, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Scott, Vision, and Rhodey.

Ships: Pepperony, (Implied) WandaVision, (Implied) Clara

TW: Kidnapping, Swearing, Sadboi Tony, Mentions of Attempted Suicide


Third Person POV

Not many people know this but once upon a time before Pepper, Before the avengers, and years before Ironman, Tony Stark was married.

He met this girl in college and she blew him away with her brains. She was as smart as him, maybe even smarter. She wa charming and the prettiest thing he's ever laid his eyes upon. Her name was Mary Parker.

Tony and Mary were friends for years and years before he actually realized how big of a crush he had on her. She had been friends with him just as long as rhodey had. 

One day when they were at the movies he subtly asked her if this was a date and to his suprise she said yes. A year and a half later he preoposed to her in the middle of a gala in '95 and she of course said yes.

They were such a great couple until Stark Industries started thriving even more and Tony suddenly didn't have time for her anymore. She suspected something was going on between him and his assistant Virgina. So she started drinking. 

She drank more in a day then he did in a week. He recognized it and called her out on it because it was an unhealthy habit. She stopped for a bit until she didn't. Tony and her ended up getting a divorce in december of 2000.

She found out she was pregnant in february of 2001 and didn't want to tell Tony. Tony did find out when one of her friends called him to come get her after she tried to drink while pregnant. Tony immediately sued for custody under the accusations that she was unstable.

He, of course, won with the best lawyers and evidence on his side. When the baby was born she never saw him. She didn't get to hold him. The only thing she knew was he was a healthy baby boy. 

When Tony held his baby boy he made himself a promise that he would do anything for his kid. He wouldn't let work get in the way of their relationship like it did with him and Marys. 

Mary was furious when she had to watch her child grow up through the newspapers and magazines and there wasn't even much there. The only thing tony had ever released to the press was his name and birthday. Peter Benjamin Anthony Stark born on August 10, 2001. Other than that he kept Peter out of the eyes of the media as much as possible.

Once Mary had a stable income and home she tried to get visitation in 2004 which was denied by Tony and his lawyers. She decided she'd have to do another thing. 

She got Tonys new schedule from an unknown source and memerised it. Every Friday he would take Peter out for Icecream with Rhodey, Happy, and Pepper at the icecream place closest to the malibu mansion. Nobody knew this except for all involved Parties and the icecream workers, one of which was her friend.

Mary had this information released to the press so when Tony and Co. got there it was swarming with press trying to catch a glimpse of the young Stark. 

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