The box of marbles & the end of the world

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this title may confuse you

sucks to suck, but I wouldn't know

read to find out 

Current Avengers: Tony, Steve, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Loki, Natasha, Sam, Strange, Peter, Rhodey, Bucky, Wanda, Pietro, T'challa, Okoeye, Vision, Hope, Scott, and Shuri.

Ships: Pepperony, Claura, Other MCU ships that I can't think of currently

TW: The end of the world, Swearing, 

Using a variation of @theoneandonlyaudrey 's Spencer Luno

She has Light-Darkness manipulation and sound manipulation

on to le storee


Third Person POV 

This story starts with a little girl running through the hallways of her house in suburban New York. Her mom had went to sleep and her Granny and Great G-ma were still awake. She went in the living room where they were talking and cleared her throat.

They looked over at her and motioned for her to come sit with them and the girl egarly climbed on the couch. "Spencer what are you still doing up?" Her grandmother asked the 4 year old. "I wanna hear the story! The one mommy never lets me hear." Spencer said.

"The one about princesses?" Her great grandma asked. "Noooo." Spencer said. "Oh no the one about magicians?" Her grandma teased. "No! The one about the superheros and how the world ended." Spencer sighed. "Alright alright." Her grandparents agreed.

"Around 200 years ago before the world ended, when the skys were always blue and things were a whole lot different, there were superheros. I wasn't born yet but your great great great grandmother told me all about it.

There were 20 main heros." Her great grandma, Aliana said. "Ironman, Captain America, Hawkeye, The Hulk, Thor, Loki, Black Widow, The Falcon, The White wolf (previously the winter soldier), Scarlet Witch, Quick Silver, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Okoeye,  Ada-Ajanna, The Wasp, Ant-man, Dr.Strange, and The Vision." Her grandma, Janice, said.

"One day Thor and Loki's evil sister Hela had attacked their home realm asgard and they destroyed it, took their people, and fled. She was left to fall with asgard in hopes to defeat her once and for all. She, however, survived and followed her brothers to earth." Aliana sighed.

"Hela didn't immediately attack as she needed to re-grow her army and gain some new allies. So she hid for a few months until she found out about a robot named Ultron. Ultron was a robot created by Tony Stark (aka Ironman) and Bruce banner (aka the hulk) in order to protect the earth."

"Ultron unfortunately went wrong and became a murder robot. They destroyed Ultron and unfortunately Sokovia went down with him but pretty much all of Sokovias inhabitants were saved and given homes. Ultron wasn't actually destroyed. 

He ended up escaping through the internet again and rebuilding his body. He then rebuilt his army and gained the trust of Hydra and started supplying them with weapons in hopes they coud weaken the avengers to a point where he could swoop in and take over." Janice explained.

"Hydra agents were kinda bad though so they could never complete the job. When Hela came though, she decided they could use his knowledge of the avengers and his robot army, and her magic and undead soldiers to take down the avengers and rule the world." Aliana continued.

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