Breakfast at Taco Bell

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Ignore the chapter title

I let my friend name it and she's the best at naming chapters 😎😎😎

This was requested by WolfStarT07

I love you requests

the more detailed they are they less I have to spend 50 years trying to hole a plot together that makes sense

and the sooner I can get a chapter out

So for those of you who don't know

He/she/they (we don't assume gender here) basically requested that I make something where Tony had kept in contact with Peter after Iron Man 3 and they were like family and the rouges came back and May didn't approve

sorry I'm purposely being vauge

not tryna give too much away

nOw On tO tHe sHiPs n sHiT

Current Avengers: Tony, Steve, Clint, Natasha, Rhodey, Vision, T'challa, Peter, Wanda, Pietro, Sam, Bucky, Bruce, and Thor.

Romantic Ships: Pepperoni

Platonic Ships: All de MCU ones plus, May and Tony, Irondad (which I guess is an MCU one), uhhh I think thats it?

TW: Swearing, Rouges, Scary May, idk

on to le story :)


Third Person POV

After the events at the Stark Expo in 2010, Tony couldn't properly function.

You may think it was because the robots were his fault. Well they weren't. When he found out Vanko had gotten the blueprints from his late father who had taken them from Howard and that he just wanted to prove that Ironman had been beaten he soon realized he just wanted to make a point and that he could not have prevented that without prior knowledge to the situation. 

He was way more worried about civillians. No civillians were fatally injured and he personally paid for all medical bills and treatments caused by the events of that day. There weren't many. The only ones were broken, sprained, or fractured bones from running or bruising and cuts from falling or minimal debris.

There was one person, a kid to be precise, that he just couldn't get off of his mind. The kid that was in the IronMan mask. Tony felt like a jerk for not carrying him to safety. He couldn't see the kids face to do a facial scan but he needed to track the kid down, whatever it took.

Pepper was on board with the decision, also wanting to meet and thank the brave kid who stood up to a robot. Something most adults wouldn't have the balls to do. Rhodey and Happy wanted to make sure he was ok too.

So Tony spent restless nights in the lab searching everywhere and anywhere for anything he could use to find out who this kid was.

It took him weeks before he finally found it. 

There was a guard who said he met a kid named Peter there. His Aunt May told the guard that Peter had begged her and his uncle to bring him to the Stark Expo because he wanted to see his idol in real life.

So he looked for any Mays and Peter's that RSVP'd together. He found A May Loretta Rielly Parker, Benjamin Franklin Parker, and a Peter Benjamin Parker had come to the Stark Expo together.

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