Medieval AU

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Hello. Welcome to thy story. Today we are taking a route back to thy 15th century. Strap in. Tis going to be a crazy ride. P.S Don't fact check anything :).

Today we have 3 kingdoms. The head kingdom, the kingdom in charge in charge, The kingdom of manhattan. In manhattan Lies the Emporer and Empress along with their children, the prince and Princess. In the second most important kingdom of Wakanda lies The King, The princess, and their mother. Their Father tragically died in an accident. The third kingdom is the kingdom of Asgard. In Asgard lies The Duke, The dukes brother the baron, and The Lady (the dukes daughter.)

The three kingdoms are united and have lived in peace since the great war. There are people who have powers but only few are permitted to use them. The witch and the messenger is said to be among these. In these kingdoms the girls are usually sent off to the abbess to learn how to be a good housewife or nun. The strong women are chosen to be healers and artisans, some even clergy. The strongest were chosen to be spy's for the royals.

The boys are sent to learn based on what their parents do. Bakers become bakers, Butchers become butchers, etc. Some of the strong boys are chosen to train to become knights. Those are only during late summer fall and early winter seasons. During the Late winter, spring and early summer they are sent to learn. The average are sent to do average jobs, no matter the gender. The smartest become things like philosphers and study medicine. The dumbest become jesters.

Before we start our story Here are the titles and occupations.

Emperor- Tony Stark
Emperess- Pepper Stark
Prince (Of Manhattan)- Peter Stark
Princess (Of Manhattan)- Morgan Stark
King- T'challa Udaku
Princess (Of Wakanda)- Shuri Udaku
Duke- Thor Odinson
Lady- Hela Thordottir (She is thors daughter in this)
Witch- Wanda Maximoff
Jester- Scott Lang
Messenger- Pietro Maximoff
Emperess Attendent- Hope Van Dyke
Blacksmith- Steve Rogers
Knight Commander- Clint Barton
Knight- Wade Wilson
Baker- Bucky Barnes
Spy- Natasha Romanoff
Spy- Jessica Jones
Philospher- Bruce Banner
Healer- Stephan Strange
Butcher- (Human) Drax
Kings Advisor- Okoeye
Farmer- Peter Quill
Seer- Vision
Tax Collector/Baron- Loki Odinson
Carpenter- Sif
Lawyer- Matt Murdock
Cook- Sharon Carter
Locksmith- Nick Fury
Merchant- Phil Coulson
Emporers Advisor- James Rhodes
Weaver- Maria Hill
Abess- Jane Foster

Watchman: Heimdall

Head of Castle Knights/ Royal family escort- Harold 'Happy' Hogan

There are more but these are the only ones who matter.

TW: Might be swearing

On to the story!


Third Person POV

T'was a beautiful day in the tri kingdom area. The Emperor and Emperess were awoken to the sounds of their children playing. "Good morrow dear wife." The emperor said as he rose out of bed. "Good morrow to you as well." The emperess replied. They got dressed and went out to the hallway to see their royal baker making bread. "Good morning your majesties." James bowed. "Good morning James. How many times must I tell you, call me Pepper." She said. "And call me Tony." He said.

"Right. Well then Pepper, Tony, call me Bucky. Would you like some scones?" He asked offering them the fresh pasteries. "Thank you Bucky." Tony smiled tasting one. "These are delicious. When you have time please teach the other bakers how to make this." Pepper remarked. Just then Hope and Rhodey came in. "Good morrow your majesties." They said bowing. "Rhodey if you bow to me one more time I'm sending you to stable duty." Tony joked to his friend.

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