Harley and Peter as Stark twins (2)

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and the twins are causing chaos

they are officially at school age

um...i dont think i clarified this but

Harley and Peter are a s e c r e t from the public


um ok on to le stuffy stuff

be4 we do

its funny that while im writing this

im sitting afk at a zombie spawner on minecraft

because i desperately need xp

and this prolly not a good idea cuz im on hardcore mode


who cares :)

as long as the zombies stay away from the corner im baracaded in, im good

(Future author here....I had a very PHILZA minecraft death. Baby zombie...those little fuckers. We beat the game in like 2 days and we lasted almost 2 months and we were building a mob farm and a bby zombie got out. It killed me, took my enchanted netherite armor and swor (with sharp 5, fire aspect, sweeping edge 2, and looting 3), then killed my friend. Can I get an F in the chat?)

Current Avengers: Tony, Steve, Clint, Natasha, Bruce, Rhodey, Thor, Wanda, Pietro, Loki, Sam, Bucky, Vision, Strange, Scott, Hope, and Carol.

R.Ships: Pepperony, Romanogers, ScarletVision, Scope, Mentioned-StrangePalmer

P.Ships: #Whycantweallgetalong

TW: Children, School, Chaos, Swearing, Children, pUbErTy, Children, School, Teachers, Homework, Children

on to le story


Third Person POV

Peter and Harley loved spending the day at the tower. They hardly went out because they were a secret to the public but when they did go out it was on vacations with their family. When they turned 5 their family told them something dreadful.

"Harley, Peter, its time for you to get enrolled in school." Tony said. Both twins refused to talk to any of the team for the rest of the week. 

When the dreadful august day came, both kids were decked out with the best avengers backpacks and paw patrol school supplies. Peter had a solar system shirt with a jean jacket ad jeans and little white adidas. Harley had a video games shirt with a leather jacket, jeans, and black adidas.

They were going to go to a private elementary school in queens. Tony and Pepper were riding in a car with tinted windows so nobody could see their faces. Natasha and steve rode along insisting that since they were godparents that they should go with.

They pulled up and stopped in front of the school. "Okay boys, what are your school names again?" Tony asked. "Peter Parker and Harley Keener." The boys chorused. "And how are you twins with different last names?" Pepper quizzed. 

"Because we couldn't agree on one?" Harley giggled. "Ok the fake reaason." Steve clarified to the silly kid. Because I took our Mommys name and Harley took our Daddy's name." Peter beamed. "Good job kiddos." Tony smiled. 

"Now don't forget. Be good, learn, and have fun." Steve said as the opened the door to get out. "If anything happens call us. Stay together so you dont have a panic attack and don't miss us too much." Natasha called after the boys.

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