Kidnapped by Hydra

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hallo children

For starters the picture above is my iPad wallpaper (don't ask why I put it there just know that it's there)

hopefully i finish this quickly :)

so my friend sent me a tiktok

and its


but like......

you don't understand how sad this tiktok was

if i remember i'll link it above

this is a reader insert (gender neutral, yay!)


the reader has no powers, you is close to the avengers

ya ya

on to le stuffy stuff

Current Avengers: Tony, Steve, Clint, Bruce, Natasha, Thor, Wanda, Pietro, Bucky, Sam, Vision, Peter, and Strange.

Romantic Ships: Stucky,

Platonic Ships: #Everyonegetsalong

TW: Kidnapping, Torture, Sadness,

on to the story


Third Person POV

It was a beautiful normal day in the avengers compound. Everyone was chilling about and talking and having a game day. You were sitting with Tony, Wanda, Peter, and Natasha playing Phase 10 (for the life of me I can't understand that game, no matter how many times I learn to play).

To give a little context you started out as Tony and Pepper's personal assistant. You, being a highschool student, needed the work hours and the money, so you took the job. You had worked there for almost 2 years now and you sort of became part of the family.

You knew pretty much everything about Stark Industires and The avengers because they trusted you with their lives. You often spent days like this with them. You would sleep over, spend holidays, movie nights, all of that. Being a foster kid, your foster parents didn't care where you were going. They were just in it for the money.

You thought of the avengers like your wierd family. Steve and Bucky acted like your dads and everyone else like your aunts and Uncles. You guys were pretty close.

Anyway, you spent the day with them and before you knew it, it was time to go. "I have to leave." You said looking at the clock. "Do you have too?" Tony whined. "Yes I do." You chuckled. "Can't you spend the night? We'll let you choose dinner." Natasha said. "I have to go. My foster parents want me back to watch their kids while they have date night." You said.

"Tell them to get a babysitter." Pietro said. "Come on guys. I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow in time for breakfast, like I always am. And I'll stay the weekend." You said. "Okay." Clint pouted. "Bye guys." You said grabbing your stuff and leaving. "Bye (Y/N)." They chorused.

You went downstairs and left out through the front saying goodbye to Alex, the receptionist, on the way out. You didn't have a car, or license, so you usually walked to the bus station, took a bus, and then walked 10 minutes to get home. The bus station was about a 5 minute walk from the tower so you started humming to pass the time.

You were the only one on the bus stop that night and it wa eerily quiet. You thought you heard a noise so you turned around. "Hello?" You called. A man came out of the shadows. "Are you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" They asked. "Who's asking?" You said. "Hydra." The man smirked. You went to hit the emergency button on the watch Tony gave you but they shot you with a sleep dart before you could.

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