Phone Call(s)

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Ships in this: Peoperoni, Romanogers, ScarletVision

Third Person POV:

Peter was in English class on what he hoped would be a normal day. English was one of his favorite classes. His teacher, Mr.Johnson was pretty chill. He didn't assign too much homework and he wasn't strict on not talking when we were working.

He inky has one rule that everyone hated. If your phone rings in class you have to answer it on speaker. After Jason had to answer his phone on speaker from his mum saying she found condoms in his room and they were just balloon animal balloons everybody came in that class with their phones on silent.

So you can imagine peters surprise when his phone starts blasting Monster by imagine dragon in the middle of class. He wonders why this person is calling them especially since They all have specific instructions to never call him in this class.

Mr.Johnson stops his lesson. "You gonna answer that Mr.Parker?" He asks. "Do I have to?" Peter groans. Everyone in the class nods interested in who is calling peter. Peter answers the phone on speaker and the unmistakable voice of Loki, God of mischief talks on his phone.

"Uh hello?" Loki says. "Hey Uncle Loki why are you calling me? I'm in the one class I told you all not to call me in." Peter says annoyed. "Oh. Sorry. Sam told me you were at lunch." You can hear Sam snickering in the background.

"Why did you call?" Peter is rushing to get Loki off his phone. "Oh right. Umm I forgot where we hid the pop tarts..." Peter groaned. "This couldn't have waited til I got home?" There was silence and some faint yelling on the other end of the line.

"I'm afraid not. You see my oaf of a brother is going on a rampage because we can't find them. If you would direct your attention outside you would notice it's thundering." Someone screamed in the background.

"Oh dear. It would seem as if Thor has electrocuted Sam." "That what he gets." Peter mumbled. "Anytime today peter. I'm sure your classmates would live to continue class and I actually don't plan on dying anytime soon."

"Oh...uhhh.....we hid them in the kitchen under the sink." Peter recalled. "Stark they are under the kitchen sink. HURRY THE HELL UP." Someone shouted in the background. "Alright thank you peter. Bye." And with that he hung up the phone.

Peter just slowly sat back down in this seat. "No way penis Parker knows the avengers." Flash broke the silence. "Yeah! That was obviously fake." Mariam, flashes girlfriend, entertained. Peter just shook his head as MJ drew him and Ned whispers how cool that was.

He thought that after that one phone call the rest of the avengers would get it and not call him but nooo. A few minutes later Run the world by Beyoncé started playing and he didn't even protest. He stood up and Mr.Johnson sat down. He answered the phone on speaker.

"Yes Aunt Nat?" He replied already fed up with the day. "Peter I need your help." She whispered. Peter immediately thought the worst. "What's wrong?" It was silent for a few seconds. "I'm on the run. I'm hiding from Steve. I'm already about a mile from the tower. Remember the hideout you and me have?" She asked.

"Yeah why?" Peter wondered. "Please tell me you left the key in our secret spot. I may need to hideout for a few day's." She whispered. "Yeah it's still there. By the way what the hell did you do so bad to Steve?" Just as she was about to reply The national anthem started playing off his phone.

"Never mind that's him now. I'll find out in a second." Before he could hang up with her she said "This conversation never happened. Love you bye." Peter answered Steve and sent his teacher an apologetic look.

"Hey Pete. You wouldn't happen to know where Nat is hiding, would you?" He asked as soon as peter answered the phone. "No way Puny Penis Parker actually has Captain America's phone number!" Flash dumbly said.

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