Guardian Angel

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I don't know if I'm sorry for this one

Its not that sad

but its not that happy either

um.....I don't wanna give too much away for this one but I feel like it's gonna be obvious

mmmmm decisions, decisions

Idk I'll try and be secretive but like it's prolly not finna be successful

Current Avengers: Tony, Steve, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Natasha, Wanda, Pietro, Sam, Bucky, Loki, Strange, Rhodey, T'challa, and Shuri

Romantic Ships: Pepperony, Romanogers, ScarletVision

Platonic: All of em :)

TW: Swearing, Sadness, Um *sighs knowing this may give it away* Major Character Death


Third Person POV

It was a normal, quiet day in the Avengers Compound. The avengers were mostly out on missions. They all seemed to be distracting themselves recently.

Little 5 year old Morgan Stark didn't mind though because it meant she got to go through her big brothers room and look through his stuff.

When all the hero's were home they made her stay away from his room in fear of her breaking anything and telling her she could go in when she was older. She, being the 5 year old she is, didn't listen and snuck in any chance she got. And Friday agreed to keep it a secret.

She snuck into her brothers room, gently closing the door behind her. She went over to his bed and looked at his suit. She carefully took the majority red mask off the top and put it on. She thought she heard someone behind her but that would be impossible since her mom was the only one home and she was currently in a meeting.

"It looks good on you." A voice said. She turned around to see a teenager with chestnut brown hair and doe eyes wearing a Midtown sweatshirt and sweatpants leaning on the door. "Who are you?" Morgan asked. He looked around to see who she was talking too before he realized she was talking to him.

"You can see me?" He asked. She nodded wondering why she wouldn't be able to in the first place. "Who I am isn't important right now." He said. "I'm-" "Morgan Stark. I know." He cut her off. "Are you like a fan of my dad or something?" Morgan asked. "Or something." He said.

"Do I need to call my Uncle Happy?" Morgan asked. He shook his head. "They wont be able to see me." He said. "But I can see you." Morgan said. "I don't know how you can see me." He said. "But they most certainly can't." He said.

"What are you doing here then?" Morgan asked. "Are you like my imaginary friend?" He shook his head. "Then what are you?" She asked. "I'm....your guardian angel." He said. "Cool." Morgan said. "So can you be my friend?" She asked.

He shrugged then nodded. "I guess." He said. "What's your name? You never told me." Morgan said. "Peter." He said. "I had a brother named Peter." Morgan said. "Really?" Peter asked. Morgan nodded. "What's your last name Peter?" Morgan asked. "That is irrelevant." Peter said.

"Oh." Morgan said. "So what do guardian angels do?" Morgan asked. "Well I watch over you, keep you safe and out of trouble, and make sure you aren't lonely." Peter said. "Oh. Do you wanna play with my Dad's hemlate?" Morgan asked.

Peter chuckled. "I would love too but you would get in trouble." Peter said. Morgan pouted. "How about I walk you through making your own drone." Peter suggested. Morgan smiled and nodded really fast. "Come on. Before your family get's home." Peter said.

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