The 5 times natasha scared the shit out of the team

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and the one time they scared her



"Anybody got eyes on the target?" Nat says as she runs through the woods. "No. I lost him in the trees." Clint says. "He managed to loose me." Cap said. "FRIDAY can't spot him wither." Tony yelled through the noise of explosions. "Wanda, Vision, Pietro please tell me you've got eyes on him." Nat cried trying not to get shot or blown up. "Negative. Vision can't sense him and neither can my powers. Pietro is running through the woods trying to find him but so far he's had no luck." Wanda replied.

"Guess I'm on my own." Nat muttered to herself. She ran around the woods and climbed up the trees and ran through those in order to stay out of sight and get a better view of the target. Their target is a 38 year old HYDRA operative trying to rebuild HYDRA. They caught wind of a meeting with all remaining HYDRA operatives and killed everyone but he got away.

She ran through the trees and got concerned after 10 minutes of radio silence seeing as they were supposed to check in on eachother every 5 minutes. "Guys?" She got no response. "Where you at? I need you to talk to me?" Still no response. "We're trapped." Wanda whispered into the comms. "Trapped how?" Nat said relieve they were ok.

"They cornered us in the warehouse. They made tony's suit hot to force him out. There is no way to get out because they have men blocking every entrance and snipers on all of us. We can't spot them." Nat groaned frustrated.

"Is everyone ok?" Nat asked. No response. "Wanda? Is everyone ok?" She said louder. "We're all a little bruised but for the most part we're ok. Get back to the base. Stay off the comms. They are about to track yours through tony's." Wanda informed. Nat sighed. Tony was gonna be pissed.

She dropped her comm and stompped on it. As an extensive measure she threw it as hard as she could. She then started scouting for snipers so she could take them out first. She spotted three a few trees away. They had guns on Wanda, Pietro, and Tony. She could see three more through the window with guns trained on Steve, Clint, and Vision.

She shot the one closest to her in the head and he fell. The other two looked around frantically trying to spot the shooter. She shot the second one and the third one saw her. He shot her in the leg and she shot him in the head. She groaned and used one of her duller knives to get the bullet out. She then tore a piece of fabric off the dudes uniform and used it to stop the bleeding.

She used one of the snipers guns too shoot the three other snipers. She couldn't notify the team that the snipers were down because they were still down and outnumbered and she didn't have a comm. She needed to get tony his briefcase, which held his suit, and steve needed his shield.

Natasha went around the building and saw that the front entrance had less guards because they appearently expected her to go through the back. She ran to the front and shot down 10 of the guards but she ran out of bullets and there were still 3 left. She ran in and grabbed the closest guy to her and when the other 2 went to shoot her she used the third guy as a shield killing them and giving her a gun.

She shoots the second guy but the third guy gets a shot in before she shoots him. She is bleeing in her shoulder and the bullet went all the way through her shoulder. She grunted in pain but kept going. She got to the room where the team was being kept. She counted 3 people guarding the team, 1 technician trying to hack their comms to find her, and 8 people guarding the door. 5 of the door guards and 1 of the team guards were armed.

All nat had to do was get to caps shield and Tony's breifcase and she was all set. She snuck across the room successfully staying out of sight but right as she went to grab Caps shield. The three guards spotted her and one shot her in the side. She picked up caps shield and grunted in pain.

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