The Hardest Part Of Living- Chapter 16

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I dragged my feet along, dreading what the news would be when I got home. I knew it was bad, unless it wouldn't be urgent. 

Did I do something wrong? Apart from missing class, I don't think so. Unless this is about pushing over that popular girl. There was nothing wrong with that, In my opinion anyway.

I opened the door slowly, careful not to make too much noise, even though it creaked anyway. The house was too big and there wasn't enough furniture so everything echoed. That meant I could hear a pair of footsteps come towards me. I sighed and walked to the living room, making myself comfy for some sort of lecture.

Gerard walked in, his arms crossed over his chest and he's most serious face was planted on his head. Frank on the other hand, walked in smiling. He couldn't be serious even if he tried. He was too childish.

"What did I do then?" I whispered as they sat down on the sofa opposite me. Frank bit his lip, leaning back which meant Gerard was going to do all the talking.

"You did nothing" I felt a small weight being lifted off my shoulders. At least they couldn't shout at me? I started to worry though, If I did nothing then why am I here?

"Are you sending me back to the adoption home" I asked and Frank immediately shook his head, "Why are you being all serious then?" I frowned.

"We need to talk, Dad to daughter...well, dad's" He smiled a little and my eyes went wide. Oh god, this isn't 'the talk' right? I remember the night they bummed each other (I think I'm mentally scarred forever)  when they came downstairs and started being dirty and disgusting.

"Oh god, please don't" I whispered covering my face, "I don't wanna throw up. Gay sex is different to straight sex" I peeked and saw them staring at me like they saw a ghost. "...You wasn't on about the sex talk was you?" I sighed and they shook there head. Frank giggled a little and Gerard cleared his throat, going a little red.

"Not THAT talk" Gerard whispered, "But it does involve a certain boy" Gerard whispered, concentrating on me whilst Frank tried to stop giggling. I knew exactly who they was on about, I knew they didn't like him. Alex. 

"Why is it about him?" I asked, rubbing my forehead gently. Maybe they just want me to stay clear of boys because they want me to hang around with girls. What if they're trying to convert me into a lesbian!? Oh god no!

"You're going to be annoyed when I tell you, you're going to think we're lying but I need you to stay seated and just listen. Can you do that?" Gerard asked, the news couldn't be that bad? Unless Alex died. He can't have died, I was speaking to him after Frank sent me that text. Maybe he was in an accident or he just did something bad.

"Yes" I whispered getting comfy on the sofa.

"We did some research on him, he seemed to ring a bell that's why. We don't go researching every friend you have. Alex...He looked familiar" I frowned a little and Frank began fidgeting in his seat, Gerard continued, "I'm glad we did do research. We was speaking to this girl, your age. She moved schools because of him"

"Well, turns out he was stalking her. Before you speak, before you react Vicky, just listen"  He sighed looking me in the eye, "We're telling you this because we're worried. The reason I was at your school is because I was coming to take you. We're moving houses. I've seen him follow you. I've seen him walk out this house with YOUR stuff. He's ill, he's obsessed. It won't be long until he won't let you out of his sight"

Was Gerard being serious? First he tells me Alex is a stalker, next he says we're moving because of it. I don't know what a stalker's like, I've never met one...Apart from Alex apparently. Alex didn't;t seem like a stalker, maybe he was just a thief or something along those lines. A stalker? I highly doubt it.

"I'm tired" I whispered, "Can I go now?" I asked rubbing my eyes gently, Gerard and Frank nodded in sync.

"Go sleep, We're leaving tomorrow" I frowned and walked upstairs. This was all too much too soon. A stalker, moving houses ALREADY. I wonder what social services had to say about this? I entered my room which now was empty, all in boxes. This was great, just great! I thought I was settling down, finally becoming happy and not regretting letting myself go. Now I do, If I let myself be happy something will turn up just to destroy it!

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