The Hardest Part Of Living- Chapter 8

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I sat on the sofa, munching on some salt and vinegar crisps whilst watching 'The Ring' on TV. I did hear some moaning, but now it's stopped. I still find it incredibly disgusting, how could they even think to do that whilst I'm here!? It's my first day and I'm already terrified!

I heard footsteps on the stairs and sighed grabbing my coke and slurping it loudly to let them know where I was, anyone else probably would have run away with hearing the noise those two make during sex.

Gerard stumbled into the living room, bright red and panting which made me physically gag.

"Take it like a man did you?" I smirked and he shook his head.

"No, Frank did though" He winked and I shivered, ew. ew. ew. "If he walks like a penguin, you know why"

"OH JESUS!" I grabbed a pillow and covered my ears before he could tell me any more gory details. "You two are gross!" I shouted and Gerard sat down next to me laughing. He had his boxers on but no top, he looked kind of cute actually, that's disgusting. His my dad, well adoptive dad. EW!

"I'm full up!' Frank ran in and I dropped the pillow confused, "If you know what I mean" He winked and I gagged again, literally feeling sick.

"Why are you doing this to me!?" I whined

"Because we love you, Vicky" Gerard pulled me into a hug and I pretended to cry. He didn't let go though, he held on tighter and began hushing me whilst laughing. Seriously, I think these guys are crazy.

"Hey Vicky, do you have a boyfriend?" Frank sat next to me smirking. I shook my head and he pouted. "Shame, I really wanted to do the over protected dad speech. Oh, and that special talk you have with your children about sex"

"That's going to be an amazing talk" Gerard nodded and I pulled a face. "Don't be like that Vicky, you gotta know everything about it to be safe. Condoms, femidoms, what goes where"

"SERIOUSLY. SHUT UP" I screamed making them both burst into a fit of giggles. They was trying to make my life a living hell, well, two can play at that game. "When my social worker comes to visit, I'm going to tell them about how you leave me down here, starving, just so you two can bum each other until you're both sore" I smirked.

"She won't mind" Gerard shrugged. "She'd probably want to join us for a threesome"

"I GIVE UP!" I screamed jumping up and running to my bedroom. I could hear faint laughing and I slammed my bedroom door shut. They was so dirty minded! Everything had to revolve around sex!

I dived on my bed and burried my head into the pillow. I wish I had a normal family, my own family. These guys were definitely not normal. I did find it kind of funny about Gerard's penguin comment towards Frank, haha.

They didn't make me angry, they made me feel welcome and not awkward. Well, a little awkward since they just talk about sex with each other and I'm still a virgin AND their child. Other families would have questioned me, fussed over me to see if I needed or wanted anything. These guys would give me this room and feed me, that would probably be it! It made me feel at home here, made me feel happy even if it was gross at some points. Maybe I should just give in, live with these guys and be myself and be happy instead of ruining it with my evil ways.

I wanted to test them though, see if they was truly fit enough to look after me. I didn't just want to give in because they could change, they couldn't be the right parents for me. I really did need to test them, see how far they can go without hurting me. That way I could truly know if they was meant to be my parents.

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