The Hardest Part Of Living- Chapter 4

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"Vicky? Vicky wake up, you have people who are here to see you!" Fucking Mrs Smallberry. Why can't she just let me have a lie in? Wait, back up. I have people who want to see me? What's wrong with them!? Is it the asylum people? I don't wanna go there...

"Don't make me go!" I screamed holding onto her.

"But hun, they're thinking about adopting you" I raised an eyebrow and looked up to see she was looking at me confused.

"The asylum people want to adopt me?" I asked confused.

"Asylum people? Oh Vicky, you silly girl" She smiled and I stared at her blankly. "No, the guys who were here yesterday. They seemed pretty keen to adopt you. We just need you three to get on. We need your permission of course. I'm sure you want to leave this place though so that's no problem" She chuckled and I continued to stare at her. I was told that when I stared at people, It scared them. "Um Vicky, please go get ready yeah?" The staring continued..."I need to go" She chuckled nervously but she couldn't move, I had hold of her. "Vicky" She began to worry which made a creepy smirk appear on my face. "Hun, you're scaring me" She looked at me sadly and I decided to finally let go of her. "I'll meet you downstairs in my office" She ran off, yes...Literally ran. Oh I do love being here. Wait! She meant the gay couple! I didn't really like them, they was weird.

I grabbed some clothes and chucked them on. I brushed my hair and ran downstairs, pushing a kid out the way nearly making him fall down. Shouldn't be standing on the stairs like a twat anyway! I walked up to the office door quietly, smirked and banged on it as loud as I could. I giggled when I heard the people in there gasp and heard a thump from where they jumped.

"U..Uh Come in!" I heard Mrs Smallberry say. I opened the door and walked in innocently. Gerard and Frank was sitting in the chairs, I shot them a look and dragged the chair away from them sitting in it. I was being pathetic and childish yes, but I didn't care what they thought.

"Hello Vicky" Frank whispered, smiling at me trying to be friendly. I smiled for a second and looked at the care worker who was still trying to calm herself down after the little scare I gave her. "Do I need to explain or...?"

"Oh no, I will" She smiled and grabbed a stack of paper work. "Well Vicky, what I have here is a form which all of you need to fill out. It's to say that you're happy with them adopting you and as soon as we can, we'll send you off to their house" She smiled at me and I stared at her again which made her focus on the gay couple. "We'll have to look around your house, make sure it's a safe environment for Vicky so she can stay. This won't be long. Since we've already spoken to you and checked to see if you're fit parents, it'll be a quicker procedure"

"What If I say no?" I spoke up and they all stared at me. "What If I don't want to go with the bender boys?"

"Vicky" She frowned and Gerard shook his head to say it was okay. I just insulted him! He could at least have a come back!

"You sure that's wise? Having a normal family adopt you. We understand how you feel Vicky, I know you think we don't but honestly... We do"

"DID YOU LET THEM READ MY FUCKING FILES!?" I screamed and stood up. That was confidential! She couldn't just tell anyone about my past! "BITCH!" I went to attack her but Frank stood up and grabbed me, I was held in a hug.

"Sh, Calm" He whispered trying to soothe me but I just death glared at the stupid fucking care worker. "It's okay Vicky" He whispered again, "Deep breaths yeah?" I took deep breaths, in, out, in, out. "She was only doing her job, explaining why your attitudes...Different to the others" Well I suppose he put it in a nice way.

"You had no right" I frowned at her. "Seriously, I'm going to sue your ass...Somehow" I mumbled the last bit and felt Frank chuckle. I saw Gerard get up and walk over to my chair, Dragging it over and placing it next to theirs. Why won't they just give up on me? They wouldn't and couldn't help me.  I was fucked up and broken. You can't fix everything that's broken!

"I..If..You...Just sign here..." She was shaking, she placed the paper work in front of Gerard and he started signing. Frank sat me down in the seat in the middle and grabbed the paper signing it. There was one left, for me. Gerard stopped signing and glanced at me.

"It's completely up to you Vicky" He whispered sitting back and watching me. Soon after Frank finished and did the same. I grabbed a pen and stared at the form in front of me. All I have to do is sign it...Then I'll be adopted...ish. I could ruin there lives if I didn't like living at theirs. I could upset them that much that they'll kick me out. Yeah! Win win situation! I signed slowly, biting my lip. It was a big decision. HUGE decision which will impact my life dramatically.

"Well, I now pronounce you a family!" Mrs Smallberry cheered with glee. I sighed and chucked the pen at her face laughing. Weird, even Gerard and Frank laughed at that.

"We'll pick you up tomorrow if the house is okay" Frank said through the laugh and I nodded. At least they had my sense of humour! At least I get to bully and abuse Mrs Smallberry until tomorrow! Watch out bitch, I'm coming to get 'ya!

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