The Hardest Part Of Living- Chapter 17

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I sat in my room alone, legs crossed on the bed. I was thinking, thinking about how stupid this all was. It was probably just a big lie, an excuse to make me want to move out of here. I wasn't having it, I wasn't believing it.

I sighed and held my stomach, I felt something horrible there. Hurt? Pain? How much could I take in my lifetime? I liked Alex, now they was taking me away from him. I didn't want that, I knew he was innocent!

My phone buzzed gently and I slid it out of my pocket, checking the screen. It was an unknown number but curiosity got the better of me and I opened, It read:

'Hey Vicky, hope you're okay. I kind of stole your number so I could harass you even when I'm not with you. Haha. If you haven't guessed who I am then you must be dumb. I hope not'

I smiled, of course it was Alex. How did he get my number? The cheeky git.

'Hey...I'm not good actually, turns out I'm moving away thanks to my dads. :(! How did you get my number? Just wondering'

I typed out the message and sent it to him laying back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I just had to wait for his reply, maybe I'd stay up speaking to him all night? Why not? It's not like I'm going to see him again. I have one friend and he wasn't good enough for my adoptive parents. My real parents would welcome him, would treat him kindly and wouldn't believe some stupid rumour.

Here I go again, speaking about my parents. I can't help that I miss them though? Is it a sin to miss them so much? They were my flesh and blood, it's a normal thing to grieve over.

I checked my phone, no new message. Maybe he was busy? Maybe he was angry because of the short notice, I sure as hell was. They just pinned the news on me, dumped it on me randomly. Didn't give me anytime to think about it, didn't discuss it with me. It wasn't fair, life wasn't fair!

I sighed and closed my eyes, I might as well sleep. It'll calm me down and maybe it'll make me think about this situation, in a more grown up sense of way.


I frowned and opened my eyes slowly, what the hell was that noise?


I looked at the direction the noise was coming from, my window. I sighed and walked over to it slowly, ready to pounce on any ghost, monster or pervert. I peeked through the window and saw a fist tap on the window, louder than the last few times. I frowned and banged my fist on it quickly making the person jump, nearly falling off.

"Vicky! It's me Alex!" A voice called and I opened the window quickly, feeling bad. He jumped in the room, panting. "Jesus!"

"Sorry...I thought you was a burglar or a monster...Something along those lines, what the hell are you doing here anyway!?" I whisper shouted at him. I didn't want Frank and Gerard to come into the room whilst Alex was here. "You crazy son of a bitch" I chuckled and he sat up, looking at me sadly.

"You're leaving" He whispered sadly and I nodded, sitting next to him. "Why"

"If I told you, you'd think I was stupid, I don't believe it but my dad's do" I chuckled sadly and he hugged me tight.

"Well, tell me" He whispered.

"They think you're a stalker because of some rumour a girl told them" I frowned and he held me a little tighter, "I think it's just one tiny excuse to get me away from you. They're stupid Alex. I'm so sorry" I sighed and he kept quiet. "Are you okay?"

"A stalker" He whispered, "Out of all the things, they call me a stalker?" He chuckled softly and pulled away sitting there sadly.

"I know...They told me that they saw you leave my house with some of my stuff. If you did...Then it's fine, just tell me" I smiled a little and he looked at me confused, "Alex...How did you get my number" I asked, since he never answered to my text.

"Do you believe them"

"No but-"

"Good. It's a load of bullshit. That girl, she's a stupid whore" He frowned and I stared at him shocked, he seemed pissed. "You don't understand"

"Then tell me" I whispered holding his hand gently, he looked at me surprised and nodded.

"She was new to our school, people bullied her and she just felt so left out, so alone. I thought I'd do the nice thing you know, just go up and become friends with her. I shouldn't have gone near her, I shouldn't have spoken to her. I had a crush on her after a few days, her personality - it was so amazing. She was amazing. I kissed her one day, she didn't like it...She walked away from me like I was some sort of contagious disease" He frowned and rubbed his forehead, poor Alex, he must have felt so hurt.

"Anyway, the next day I walk into school, she's hanging around with all the popular girls. You know the girl who you pushed? Her. Her and her gang. I walk into the classroom and she's standing there, they all are. Just standing there and laughing at me. She told them that she rejected me, hurt me. She did hurt me though, she hurt me so much. She was messing with my feelings. You know, she was flirting with me"

"This went on for weeks, until one day I lost my temper" He paused and swallowed hard, "That's when I hit her. She deserved it though" He spat out making me flinch a little. "I followed her home, I told her that if she ever hurt me again, I'd hurt her back and I'd make it ten times worse"

"You threatened her, that's bad but it's not stalking"

"Well, apparently I followed her everyday, starting from day one. I saw her sad, I saw her cry so much that she couldn't breathe, I was always there for her but then she just hurt me!"

"Sh, sh, keep quiet" I whispered and he nodded tearing up.

"Don't leave me Vicky, it'll hurt...I'm not being hurt again" He shook his head, "Even if I have to make you stay. You don't understand...I hurt too much now, I can't hurt anymore, If I do I don't know how I'll survive. I like you Vicky, more than I liked her" He whispered leaning a little closer, "I can't loose you" He cupped my face in his palm and I smiled a little. This was a whole new side to Alex, Alex was so playful, cocky and funny. This Alex was sad, hurt and lost. This was the serious side to him that I never thought was there.

"Run away with me" He whispered and I stared at him, was he insane? "Please" He whispered kissing me softly. I frowned a little, his lips were so soft...So sweet. I kissed back, feeling sparks fly between us. It felt right, it felt amazing. He pulled away, keeping his face inches away from mine. "Come with me"

I had to choose, go with Alex or go with my Dad's. It meant I had to run away with Alex, but I liked Alex. I know where some spare money is kept in the house, I could take that and then we could go. Or I could be a good girl and go with my dad's, move on and away...But I didn't want Alex to hurt anymore. I wanted him happy, he deserved happiness, I did too...Yes. I wanted myself to be happy, I deserved it.

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