The Hardest Part Of Living- Chapter 11

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School finished, the first day was boring and hard to get by so I wasn't really looking forward to the rest of the week. Plus my dad was stubborn and he was going to make me walk everyday, to and from school. I'm guessing I had to walk today because there was no car for me, no guy waving and embarrassing me.

I began walking, remembering the way Gerard showed me, well drove me. They trusted me to come home, they think I would be fine. If I wasn't home in an hour they'd probably be driving around like lunatics trying to find me.

I smiled at the thought, then saw people walk by me, looking at me strangely. I was walking by myself and smiling, I'll let them off for giving me a strange look this time.

"Vicky! Wait up!" I heard a deep voice, then the boy appeared by my side, smiling. "Ello" Alex chuckled, I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"You again" I sighed, "Why doesn't a normal, nice kid come walk with me?"

"Because you're a bitch?" He tapped his finger on his chin making a thinking face. I nudged him gently and he smiled. "A cool bitch who a lot of people are scared of" He chuckled, "Not me though. I could blink and you'd fall over"

"Hell no"

"Hell yeah!" He smiled and then scooped me up, carrying me and running.

"WHAT THE HELL!? ALEX. PUT ME DOWN OR SO HELP YOU" I shouted, hitting him but then holding onto him.

"Chill!!!" He laughed and then stopped, putting me down. I frowned at him and he shrugged, smiling innocently. "I just wanted to a prove a point. I'm stronger than you"

"Oh, I don't think so. You have your little weak area" I pointed with my finger to his crotch. "Be careful Alex" I smirked and looked to the side to see a park. I heard Alex gulp quietly but kept my attention on the swings. "Why here?"

"Why not"

"I have to get home" I shrugged and he sighed.

"Really? You're boring"

"No, you just haven't seen my room" I smirked and he raised an eyebrow. I probably shouldn't have said that...

"Then I guess I'm going to" He grabbed my hand and began skipping off. "Uh, where do you live?" He stopped and I laughed pulling my hand away and walking in the direction. "Oh, okay"

"Who says I'm going to invite you into my house?"

"I say" He smirked. He was stubborn, yet cute. "I hope your mum don't mind" My eyes widened, he didn't know I had two dads. 

"Oh uh, I don't have a mum" I whispered and he gasped a little. "I have two dads"

"I'm sorry to hear that...Step dad and dad?" He asked and I bit my lip.

"Two. Adoptive. Gay. Dads" I looked at his reaction, first he went wide eyed. Then he burst out laughing. I'm glad he found this funny, he probably thinks I'm joking or he just doesn't want to be my friend now he knows that.

"The bitch has gay parents? Poor them!" He smiled and I raised an eyebrow. "What? I have nothing against gays"

"You will when you come into my house, all they do is bum each other" I pulled a face and he laughed harder. "Yeah, you think it's funny now but you just wait" I shook my head and walked up to the house.

"Holy fuck, this is huge!" He kept behind me, following me. I opened the door and walked in smiling.

"DAD...DAD I'M HOME!" I shouted and heard two men shout good. "I ALSO HAVE A FRIEND OVER. WE'RE GOING TO MY ROOM"

"BOY OR GIRL" Frank asked.



"Gross!" I whispered shaking my head, the door closed behind me and I heard Alex snort. "Ugh, save me" I pleaded and he shook his head. "Fine. Asshole" I walked up to my room, Alex following me quickly. 

I pushed my door open and dived on my bed.

"Holy shit, you save me. Let me live with you" He chuckled looking around. I smiled a little, I was impressing someone even when I had gay parents. How weird!

"Well, I guess you're staying for dinner. By the way...You're going to get interrogated at the dining table so just brace yourself" I smirked and he shrugged. He didn't seem to care really, he seemed cool. He was accepting things about me, he probably knew that something was wrong. Strange, I even told him my mum was dead in a sneaky way. He felt sorry for me, anyone did after I told them...Even though I told hardly anyone. Alex would be a good friend, I could tell. I just hope that Frank and Gerard won't scare him off.

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