The Hardest Part Of Living- Chapter 3

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I was left on my own in the corner after they left. They seemed like nice people but I didn't want them to adopt me, I just wanted to be left alone! I watched them carefully, they was talking to the other kids. They was un-welcome here. Outsiders, no one wanted them. It kind of reminded me of...Well me. No one really wanted me, I was un-welcome and I was an outcast here. A funny thought ran through my head, maybe they are the perfect parents for me. I mean, we fit together perfectly if you think about it.

"Weirdo's" I heard a girl mutter and sit down, she was the barbie girl of the dumping ground. She had to have everything perfect so that meant having perfect parents. Well she obviously isn't perfect since she's stuck here with everyone else. "How dare they just stroll in here? Their kind don't belong here" She growled and I stood up frowning.

"Well no one really belongs here. It's a dumping ground not a spa. They're just like every other parents, looking for a family to complete the cycle. Take us away from this hell hole" I muttered the last part and they stared at me shocked. In all honesty, I was shocked at myself. Why was I standing up for them? I wanted to stay here...I had to stay here until I was eighteen.

"Aww, has Vicky found a spot soft for these guys? Aww, why don't you let them adopt you then? No one wants you or them here so go get adopted" Sarah smirked and I frowned looking down. I didn't know how to reply. Well I did but I wasn't thinking of words. I was thinking with fists. I launched myself at her aiming my fist for her eye. I could feel people try and drag me off so I ended up scratching her face like a cat trying to hurt her.

"Girls! Girls! Stop!" I heard the care worker shout but before I could speak, I was on the floor getting kicked in the stomach and face by the group of girls who followed Sarah around. I didn't mind it after the first ten kicks I got. My whole body went numb and my eyes closed. Maybe I was dying? I mean, it wasn't the way I wanted to go but maybe it's the only way I can go.

I opened my eyes slowly to see the kicking had stopped, all the girls were pushed away and that man, Frank...He was holding me to see if I was still alive, If I was okay. I smiled weakly and Gerard joined him.

"Vicky, speak to me okay?" He asked checking my face, probably for a concussion or any serious injuries. I nodded slowly and looked at Gerard.

"Nice hair" I whispered and he chuckled quietly.

"She's fine, just some cuts and bruises" Frank sighed with relief which worried me. He cared about me, which meant he was thinking of adopting me. "Nice punch" He winked and stood me up holding my arms carefully.

"Why thank you, I'll teach you that move one day. Maybe Gerard as my target" I Death glared him making him gulp then straighten up.

"Why are you so...Mean" Gerard asked gulping slightly. I rolled my eyes and began to walk, that was until he grabbed my arm gently stopping me. "Answer me. We at least deserve to know that" I turned to see him frown.

"Cause life's a bitch. That enough for you?" I Looked at them both and they raised an eyebrow obviously wanting to know more about what has happened in my life. Well I wasn't going to tell them. They didn't deserve to know. No one knows here apart from me and the care workers. That's probably why some people failed to be friends with me, I wouldn't open up to them.

"What's happened Vicky?" Frank asked in a soft tone. I shook my head and pulled my arm away from Gerard.

"Like I'd tell you. Fucking faggots" I spat out running away. Why did they have to make me think about it again? Why would they make me picture it. Blood...Body bags...My mums hand falling from the side. The police telling me that it would all be okay because I'd be well looked after. My grandparents not being emotionally and physically stable because of the deaths.

I slammed my door shut and sat on my bed wiping my eyes. I just wanted to be with my family. I always took them for granted and now they're gone...I'd do anything in the world to take them back. I missed being hugged by my mother. Her hugs were amazing, so caring and gentle. 

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