The Hardest Part Of Living- Chapter 15

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"Well? Why aren't you in school?!" Gerard frowned, Alex was looking as guilty as ever as I stood and listened to my foster dad shout at me. As expected, Gerard wasn't happy about me being out of school. I wasn't really happy seeing him outside my school like a creeper.


"Free period" Alex spoke up, Gerard glared at him, frowning more.

"You, shut up. I'm speaking to my daughter"

"Don't speak to him like that" I frowned crossing my arms, "I know you're annoyed but don't take it out on him!"

"He's a bad influence on you Vicky, I don't like him being with you" Gerard frowned, pretending that Alex didn't even exist.

"I'm right here ya' know" He whispered, kicking a stone on the ground away from him. Gerard turned to him, staring at him angrily.

"I've heard a lot of things about you, Alex. I don't like you being around my daughter. I think you should keep your distance" He growled.

"Or what, Mr Way? Please tell me what you would do, right in front of your daughter" Alex stepped closer to him, standing his ground and provoking him. I sighed, annoyed with the fighting and both of their childish ways. Especially Gerard, after all, he was the adult.

"Stop this right now or I kick both of you in the balls!" I growled and they looked at me slowly, worry in their eyes.

"I've been doing some research on your little 'friend' here" Gerard spoke up, standing up straight looking confident, "I don't like him near you"

"You know what..." Alex began but i quickly cut him off.

"Why are you outside my school this early, Gerard? You don't need to be here, it's not like you pick me up from school anyway" I frowned watching him. I heard him gulp slowly and he looked at the ground.

"I was just going to drop something off here for you" He whispered and Alex scoffed, "Shut up, kid"

"He's lying Vicky" Alex told me.

"Why would you need to drop something off, you didn't yesterday. I have everything I need. Money, food, my books"

"Oh, my mistake then. I thought you had no money" He chuckled nervously and I exchanged a confused look with Alex. "Well, you better go in. No ditching. Oh, and Alex, keep away from my daughter" He smiled and Alex shook his head.

"Don't wanna" Alex smirked and began walking back into school. Gerard muttered something and I began to follow Alex, hearing Gerard get into his car. I caught up with him, staring at him confused. "What?"

"Why was he lying to me" I whispered.

"Oh, at least you know when he's lying. That's good" He smiled and I rolled my eyes. "Maybe he's a creeper. Abducting children and all" He chuckled and I hit him. "Ouch"

"You shouldn't joke about that. He is hiding something...But what?" I whispered, trying to think of all the posibilites. Maybe he was just worried about me, checking up on me. He said about him doing research on Alex. What has Alex done in the past? Apart from hit a girl, he wouldn't hurt me though. I'm sure of it.

"Your dad is a bit of a creep. I mean, he was finding stuff out about me. What's there to even find out? I'll have to ask him, I bet he knows more stuff than me" He joked but I couldn't help but worry. What if he didn't just hit a girl, what if he did something worse- I didn't want to think about it. Alex was nice to me, he was cheeky yet cute. He was kind of like the male version of me. 

"Let's just get to class" I sighed and we headed towards Georgraphy. Wasn't the best subject to me as I couldn't point to Africa on the map. Geography was boring, I couldn't help but get distracted to whatever was around me at the time.

Talking of distractions, this will be a huge distraction. I'll be thinking about what Gerard is up to all the way through Geography. I'll be thinking about the bad things Alex has done and if they could add up to anything really serious. I hope not, I didn't want to have to leave Alex and be a loner. I wouldn't survive in this school, no matter how tough I was. The girls here were bitches and I had no one else. People avoided me because they were scared of me, not Alex though. Alex probably thought I was a challenge and accepted it. 

I felt something vibrate in my pocket, I peeked to see a mobile phone in there. I grabbed it and checked it:

'One new message'

I frowned a little and opened it, it said it was from Frank? What did he want?

'Come home immediantly, we need to talk x'

I could officially call today weird. I had no doubt that Gerard being at my school and this text was relevant to each other. Something bad must have happened, or was going to. I was dreading the moment when I had to walk through my front door. God give me strength.

A/N: I WAS ILL IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPLOADING. Plus my brains like: Hey Sophie, you wanna right...*logs onto computer, gets ready to write and...* JOKE :D!

I will try to write more frequently, I do apologise D:.

Heh, just a little promotion thingy. The link below is a non fanfiction but it's a vampire story! Gotta love me some vamps! It's my friends, give it a little read? I helped him write it ^_^.  (I don't know if thats a link but if it isn't then the books in my library under 'Must read!' xD

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