The Hardest Part Of Living- Chapter 9

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"Rise and shine icky Vicky" I heard a man giggle and groaned, burying my head deeper into my pillow. "Don't make me sit on you, 'cause I will" He warned and I turned my head to look at the person. Of course, it had to be Frank. I glanced at my clock and groaned louder frowning at him.

"Why so early" 

"Because you have the most exciting day ahead of you" He grinned, that grabbed my attention. I sat up slowly, smiling a little awaiting the answer. "Everyone goes to it in their life, enjoy it whilst you can" He giggled and my eyes widened.

"You aren't talking about a strip club right?" I pulled a face and he fell off the bed laughing. "I guess not,  Frank! Tell me!"

"SCHOOL" He grinned and I poker faced him. EXCITING? The most exciting thing that happens to school is when I fall asleep and have an awesome dream!

"I hate you so much right now" I mumbled letting my body go limp and dropping onto the bed and pillow. "Fuck school"

"Hey! It's not so bad" He smiled, "You get to beat up anyone that gives you dirty looks" He laid next to me and I raised an eyebrow.


"Well, No. We're not so big on the whole violence thing" He chuckled awkwardly and I rolled my eyes, "But, you will enjoy it. You'll find what you're good at and you'll love it!" 

"Loving school is like loving me loving you. Impossible"

"Ouch, that hurt" He sniffed and made cute puppy eyes which I had to turn my head away from so I could resist the urge to coo. "Uniform is in your wardrobe" He whispered, pecking my forehead and running out like a energizer bunny. 

I sighed and admit to defeat. I had to go to school, it was the law. Hey, maybe I could find some poor vulnerable girl to pick on? Na, I was building up my anger and pain to take out on my gay dad's. That was still weird to say, to even think about.

I managed to pull myself out of bed and drag myself to the wardrobe, I found my uniform easily enough. Typical school girl clothes, white shirt, red tie and black trousers. Though there was a long black skirt. I sighed and grabbed the trousers and uniform, walking to the bathroom. I turned the shower on and jumped in washing myself. 

I didn't care about first impressions. I knew all the stereotypes, I knew I had to look out for the sluts. If they got in my way they'd pay. Fuck the no violence rule. 

I washed my hair with some strawberry shampoo, it was quite strong. We didn't get the good quality stuff at the adoption home, everything was cheap and crappy. 

I turned the shower off and stepped out, grabbing a towel and drying myself with it quickly. I decided that I'd wear my hair down, cover my face as much as I could. Friend making wasn't top priority on my list. I slipped my clothes on and grabbed a hairdryer, brushing and blow drying my hair. 

I'd definitely wear make up, I had to fit in a little bit in school. Everyone wore make up, well apart from the boys. Mind you, some boys do wear make up, I find guy liner quite attractive.

Once my hair was dry I walked into my room and started applying eyeliner and mascara, Gerard and Frank didn't get me any foundation, that's because they didn't know what skin colour I was exactly. I didn't like foundation anyway, I'd buy one too orange and look like I came from Willy Wonkers chocolate factory, Or I'd buy one too pale and look like Casper's buddy. I made my eyes bold and black, making them stand out. I did love my eye make up!

I ran downstairs too the kitchen where I smelt food, pancakes. 

"You look...Dressed up" Gerard stared at me, I knew he wasn't happy. I had my top buttons undone so I looked partly like a school girl slut. "Maybe you should wear a coat, pull your tie up a little and button some of those god damn buttons up" He growled under his breath and Frank patted him on his back.

"Na, I like the way I am" I smirked and sat down, picking at the pancakes.

"I'll give you a lift" Gerard sighed, shaking his head at my words. I smiled and nodded, I didn't like walking. I didn't like school. "Please try to behave, for us" They wanted me to behave for them? If they left out the 'for us' part I might have actually tried to behave, but since they want me to do it for them, nope!

"I'll try" I gobbled down the pancakes and Frank passed me a bag and some shoes. The bag was a backpack, black and white squares all over it. I slipped on the black converse and chucked the bag over my shoulder, sliding my arms through the strap gaps. "Ready" I shrugged and Gerard got up, grabbed the car keys and walked. I followed him, that was before Frank hugged me goodbye and wished me luck. I got in the car and Gerard started driving.

"Nervous?" He asked, creating conversation.

"A little" I admitted.

"Don't be, you'll be fine" He smiled and kept his eyes on the road, "You know, you could have walked this. It's only a five minute drive"

"Your carbon foot prints bad!" I gasped, pretending to care. "I don't like walking" I shrugged and he chuckled.

"Well tough, after today you're walking" I groaned and he smiled more. Gerard was right, it was close to us, only a ten minute walk. He pulled up outside the school and grinned at me, "Now get out before I kiss you goodbye and embarrass you" With that, I jumped out the car quicker than he could blink. I slammed the door shut and he drove off, leaving me alone in this stupid place. People were staring, wondering where I came from, who I was and what's my story. Oh I do hate school.

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