2012 Donnie xFReader: Hello Nurse

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"Neither do I." April quipped you stared at her dumbfounded "Wh-what do you mean you don't know anyone that's going? They're your colleagues!" You pointed out. "I only know Kevin, and that's why I want you to come too. I don't want to be the chick that stands awkwardly in the corner for the whole night." she sent you an anxious smile, shuffling around as your gaze on her intensified. With a grunt you smiled sympathetically at her "Fine, I'll go. But, only because it's a bad idea for you to be alone at some stranger's party."

April rejoiced as she bounced in the air, quickly taking her leave you pulled out your phone and sent a text to Donnie.

Y/N: Hey D, change of plans I can't make it tonight 😢

D: Wat! Y not?

Y/N: April got invited to this party but she doesn't know anyone so she asked me if I'd go with her.

Y/N: Sorry 😭

D: It's fine you're being a good friend, gonna miss u tonight tho ☹️

Y/N: We can come by before we go if u want?

D: Only if u want 2

Y/N: I'll tell April we're stopping by 😊
See you later Don 😁

D: See you later (Y/N)

April appeared back in your room a devilish smile on her face, you grimaced "Oh no, what's that look for?"

"Did I forget to mention it's a costume party?"

"WHAT! Aprilllllll." you groaned, "Oh calm down, I've got an old Halloween costume for you to try anyway."

Clearly not sensing the massive amount of embarrassment cascading through your blood you pouted at her "Now what's that face for?" she mused. "I said to Donnie we'd come see them before we went to the party," you grumbled out, looking down at the fluffy carpet. "Well, Donnie is definitely going to enjoy this." April beamed, pulling you from your bed and into her room.

An hour later and you and April were walking through the sewers on your way to the lair. You tugged at the hem of the nurse costume April leant you, mumbling under your breath about the length. April giggled next to you as she observed your frustration when the dress kept rising as you walked. The red-head was costumed in a yellow jumpsuit and white boots, when you questioned what she was meant to be you got a slight wack to the arm, apparently waste collector was not the right answer.

Your heels clacked against the cement as you finally approached the abandoned subway station that the turtle's called home. April waltzed in first as you were still too occupied with pulling down your dress, "Hey April, Donnie said you guys were going to a party but I didn't know that's how party people dressed." you heard Leo say only receiving a chuckle from April "No it's a costume party."

"What're you meant to be then?" came Raph's harsh voice, April scoffed "I'm a reporter, obviously."

"Obviously," Raph repeated, teasing the poor girl. You finally heard Mikey's voice "Hey, where's (Y/N)? I thought you were forcing her to go with you?" April gasped, offended "I didn't force her, I asked nicely and she said 'yes'. (Y/N) c'mon the guys wanna see your costume!" April bellowed. You breathed in and closed your eyes, thinking about what they'd say, what he'd say; breathing out you opened your eyes and took timid steps into the lair.

At first it was quiet, looking up through your eyelashes you saw the three brothers with their mouths agape and a proud smirk on April's face. "Doesn't she look great!" April exclaimed breaking the awkward silence, you shuffled around embarrassed by all the gawking. C'mon say something you thought as they continued to stare, "Hey are (Y/N) and April here yet cause I thought I heard them?" Donnie said emerging from his lab, yet to look up at you.

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