Sharp Objects

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*f/d means "favorite drink"*

*f/c means "favorite color"*


In the distance, a person is at the very back walking their dog. I swear I catch a glimpse of red eyes looming behind a tree but I quickly disregard it.


Well, I suppose I won't have to be worrying about Zack following me for now. He is the most wanted criminal in this city. Heck! Probably the most wanted in the whole state!

Zack must have killed more people than I've ever hated. And trust me, I've hated a lot of people in my lifetime. As I walk through the streets I see "wanted" posters of Zack.

Well someone's popular. I can't believe Zack had the amazing idea to kill someone and come straight to my house right after. Does he have any brains?! I know I said he was allowed to kill people as long as it wasn't me. I also said he'd kinda be my employee without getting paid too. But still, why does he keep coming to my house all the time? Did he misunderstand me or something? Doesn't he somewhere else to be? Like a "Secret Evil Killers Convention?" Ugh, I'm going to have to ask him when I get home. Hopefully, he'll be calmed down by then.

Since I'm not being chased by an insane killer, my adrenaline has been officially drained from me. That's when I get the sudden realization that it's freezing outside. I'm out of breath from running too, my heart is pumping so hard it's about to leave my chest. I inhale deeply and the frigid air rushes inside my nose sending shivers down my back. As I exhale a puff of white air escapes my mouth. I continue to breathe in and out slowly until my heartbeat starts to calm down.

The coat I grabbed before running out of the house helps keep me warm a little, but if I continue to stand out here in this temperature I'll become a snowman. I lift the hood of my jacket on my head. It was difficult to do so because my fingers are really stiff. They're barely moving to my commands. I dig them deep into the pockets of my coat attempting to warm them up.

Ugh, fuck this. I'm not going to walk to the store at this temperature.

I start running towards the store. People who were walking by me quickly threw a glance at me. When I made eye contact with them they'd quickly avert their eyes from me.

They probably thought I was on drugs or something. It must've been because I'm running with my hands in my pockets so my hands don't freeze.

But you know what? I don't give two shits because I'll never see these people again.

I keep running until I reach a quieter part of town where the store is. A sign on the door blinks saying "open 24 hours." I pull the door open and the classic bell rings as I enter. The store is 10 times warmer than outside.

I have this entire store memorized like the back of my hand. I think I might start my groceries from the back and work my way up to the front. I take a cart and start heading towards the back.

Of course, I had the best luck in the universe and got such an amazing cart. The wheels were making the most irking noise as it wheeled across the white tile floor. I had to be extra careful while maneuvering the cart. Since the wheels weren't functioning properly it never went in the direction I wanted it to go.

It usually takes me a max of 45 seconds to get to the back but because of this INCREDIBLE cart, it took me 2 minutes instead.

I finally make it to the back and start taking whatever I find appetizing and shove it in my cart. After what I estimate was 5-10 minutes I check my cart to see what I have. I ended up getting ramen, water, f/d, chips, hummus, bread, milk, and some other basic foods. I also ended up getting a f/c sweater that caught my eyes as I was roaming around. I began making my way to the cashier when I realized I forgot to get cereal.

Ugh how could I forget to get cereal, I basically live off of that stuff.

I turn around and head back to the cereal aisle. I walk by some kitchen supplies and something catches my attention in the corner of my eye. I saw a kitchen knife. It's not that big pretty simple. The knife has a red handle and is in a package that includes other utensils.

Technically, I'm not allowed to have pointy objects.

I'm at the self-checkout section processing my last item, the utensils. The rule of having no sharp things is so pointless. Zack broke my window and the glass shards are sharp. I can literally break a bowl whenever I want and use the broken edge as a weapon. Just being around Zack and his scythe is already a huge hazard.

I leave the store and the cold air welcomes me. That's when it hits me. I'm carrying all these heavy bags, it's probably -2 degrees out here, and I decided to walk instead of using my car to reach the store.


Easy. I'll just call an Uber, duh.

I put the bags that I was holding in my right hand down on the floor and check my pockets for my phone. Serendipitously, my phone somehow snuck its way into my jacket. I managed to find an Uber to pick me up, now we wait.________________________

UGH!! THIS WAS A REALY, REALYYYYY BORING CHAPTER! Hopefully, I can galvanize you guys in the next chapter.

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