"Did you miss me?"

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y/b= your bag: I added this because I'm not sure if you guys would prefer a purse, backpack etc. so might as well have you guys pick


As I turned around to head back inside I felt that annoying shiver down my spine.

Someone's definitely watching me.


And that person is without a doubt, the one and only, Zack Foster.

"Just come out already Zack, no point in hiding. I know you're there."

No response.

"Zack I'm not up for this right now."

"Zack, who's that y/n?"

Wait a sec, that isn't Zack that's-

"The only person who's here is Alexis."

"Alexis? Why are you here?"

"I was wandering around these parts and ended up finding out you were in charge of closing the cafe today, so I came to check up on you."

"You woke up at 1 am just to watch me lock some doors?"

"Don't worry about it, I was already awake so it wasn't a big deal."

"Well I'm gonna turn off all the lights inside, you can come in since it's freezing out here."

"I'm a big boy, I can handle a bit of a breeze."

"Ok.. wait at the front entrance I'll be there in a second," and with that, I close the back door leaving Alexis outside. Alexis is my friend from high school. We get together every now and then, if it wasn't for him I probably would've done something way worse than attempted murder on only one person. He kept me sane, not only that he's the only one who knows the whole truth, my side of the story. The side that nobody bothered to listen to.

 I can't believe I thought Alexis was Zack, I just know that he'll end up interrogating me on who Zack is once we're in his car.

Although, I would prefer explaining to Alexis who Zack is then bumping into Zack. Especially now that he's being hunted down by the police. I don't want to be associated with him at all, and nothing is going to make me change my mind.

I switch out of my work uniform and throw on the clothes I came in. I grab my y/b, turn off the lights, and take the keys to lock the door on my way out. I leave through the back door and head to the entrance of the cafe where I told Alexis to wait.

As soon as I turn the corner and find him leaning on the door, he noticed me and signaled with his hand for me to come over. A streetlamp hits directly on him making his eyes shimmer for a moment reminding me of Zack's red eyes. Zack? Why am I thinking about Zack? UGH.

I head over towards Alexis.

"Why did you freeze when you turned the corner, did you get lost in thought? Or did my beautiful face amaze you?" He giggles and throws his arms around my shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah sure," I crack a small smile.

"My car is about two blocks away, do you want to walk there?"

"Hmmm, two blocks sounds like a really long walk," I whined. "I think I'll just stay here."

"In this freezing cold?"

"Yeah! Hey, why'd you park your car so far away?"

"Like I said I was around these parts before I knew you had a late-night shift. During the day this place is packed with no parking space. You literally work here you should know how busy it is during the day," he chuckles. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." He gives a reassuring squeeze with the arm he has around me.

"I'm going to get the car for miss princess," as he starts going to get his car he turns around and bows.

"Always at your service my majesty." I roll my eyes and he gives a small smirk, and with that, he disappears into the night. I guess I'm going to have to wait now.

A couple of minutes pass and I swear my insides are beginning to freeze.

"Alexis, why is it taking you so long," I whisper. Just as I say that my whole body shivers.

It's probably just because it's cold outside, I'll just ignore it.

I shouldn't have ignored it. Someone's hand covers my mouth from behind. The hands are rough, reminding me of bandages.

It's probably Zack but I could be wrong like last time.

I try to squirm out of the person's grip but it's practically impossible.

"Stop being so difficult," the person growls, "just cooperate for now won't you?" That's definitely Zack.

I can't' do anything, my best resort is to cooperate like he said. I stop struggling and he takes his hand off my mouth. Zack grabs my forearm and drags me to heavens knows where. His scythe is in his other hand, no surprise.

Not once he looks back at me, he keeps looking forward, his face determined. After a bit, we turn a corner and end up behind an abandoned shop.

He lets go of my arm and looks at me.


"Who were you with?"

"A friend."

"What's her name?"

"Not her, he. His name is Alexis."

"What are you talking about! That was obviously a girl!."

"His name is Alexis," I repeat making sure to emphasize the "his."

"Tch, fine I won't argue with you. In other news," the corners of Zack's lips lifted up becoming a grin, "did you miss me y/n?"


Ok, sorry to disappoint all of you guys, but the story would be WAY too long if I added everything I wanted in this chapter so you'll have to wait for the next chapter sorry😔

Also when I meant that the next chapter would be interesting, don't get your hopes up too much, I'm not that good of a writer so it probably won't be exactly what you're expecting.

Thanks for all of your support guys! Also, if you see any grammar mistakes or things you think should be changed, feel free to contact me and offer a suggestion!

Stay safe, Mwah!

" Bang." (Zack Foster x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя