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y/h = your height


I turn off the tv, I didn't want to hear about him anymore. The best thing to do is forget he ever existed.


I creak the kitchen door open so I can take a peek on how many customers are left. Theres 3 in total. 2 are sitting together about to pay, the other one is by himself still eating. His eyes were glued onto Leila who was at the cashier.

The cafe closes at midnight since it's Friday. I go back in the kitchen and Amina, my boss, helps me clean up the kitchen. 

I don't know why she decided to become the owner of this cafe, she's so pretty she can be a model. She's Aisan and has the silkiest black hair I've ever seen. To be honest, I'm kind of jealous of her. She also looks 100 times younger than her actual age. Although she's 39 could pass as a 19 year old with her charming personality and looks.

 After a while Leila came in with the remaining dishes.

"The 3 customers left," Leila sighed. The bun she tied up not that long ago was already loose, her brown locks swishing from side to side as she washed the dishes.

Amina stopped mopping the floor and looked up at Leila, "finally it felt like they were never going to leave! But Leila, I want to know, who was that boy by himself. He was eating you with his eyes instead of eating his food."

Leila let out a light laugh, "him? At this point he's my stalker. We've been talking for a while and now he's been coming to this cafe whenever I have shifts so I "won't be lonely."

I wish I could have a stalker like Leila's. No I have Zack as my stalker, an insane killer. I mean, he used to be my stalker. But why isn't he coming to see me. I miss him, and the goofy smiles he gave. Even tho his hands are rough from the bandages, I didn't mind him touching me that much.

Wait. No, no, no, no, no! I have to stop thinking about that psycho! He almost killed me! And he killed a bunch of other people too!

"Say, where did Katrina and Chloe go?" Leila's voice interrupted my thoughts.

"They left a little while ago, Amina let them leave early since we weren't that busy."

"Speaking of leaving early, y/n..." I stopped wiping the counter and shifted my attention to Amina.

"Can you close the cafe today y/n? I know this is sudden but I have to pick some relatives up from the airport."

"Of course I can Amina! Don't worry about it!"

The truth is I did mind. Don't get me wrong, I love Amina, I definitely consider her more than my family, but I just want to go home and relax. The only reason I accepted is because she forgave me for not coming into work the day when Zack made me loose track of time. I was sure she was going to kill me. Amina can be an angel but she quickly becomes the devil when we slack off on work.

"Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She drops the mop she was holding on the ground and swallows me in a bear hug. I return the hug with light pats on her back. Amina's really tall compared to me. I'm y/h, but that doesn't matter because Amina still towers over me.

"Ok let go now I can barely breath," I gasp. Amina lets go and thanks me again. By the time she's done hugging and thanking me Leila already finished cleaning everything up and is already at the kitchen doorway ready to leave. 

"I'm gonna leave now if that's ok with you Amina," Leila says.

"Yeah, of course it is! You don't even have to ask!" 

"Bye! Stay safe you guys." Soon after Leila left Amina left too.

Now I'm all by myself. Leila already cleaned up the kitchen so now I just need to clean up the rest of the place.

After a lot of wiping and mopping  I finished. The last thing was to throw out the trash. I opened the back door of the cafe to throw the trash. I'm pretty sure the cold air that hit me froze my soul. I threw the trash away as fast as I could. As I turned around to head back inside I felt that annoying shiver down my spine. 

Someone's definitely watching me.


I made this chapter longer since the last one was really short. This chapter was boring tho, but don't worry because I have something up my sleeves for next chapter🤭

I would say more, but it would spoil the story. 

Until next time😌

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