Cereal Time

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I watched at her in awe as she sat back down and started pouring the milk on her cereal. How can we be so different... Yet so similar?

"Oh how rude of me! The name's y/n l/n!"

*We're going back to y/n's POV:)*

"So you're going to pretend like nothing happened?"

Shrugging I answer, "yeah, basically!" Zack stood up from the floor and leaned on the doorway that lead to the kitchen picking up his scythe along the way.

I pick up the box of cereal and shake the box in his direction, "want some?"


He puts his scythe back on the ground, prepares himself the cereal, and sits down in the chair in front of me.

Strangely he put his milk in first.

"Why'd you put the milk in first?"

"Because," he answered without looking up.

"PSHH! WHO THE HECK DOES IT THAT WAY?!" I start laughing uncontrollably, I think it's the lack of sleep getting to my head.

"Hey- SHUT UP!" He shouted as he glared at me, when he looked at me I saw the sparkle of red in his eyes. Does it do that whenever he wants to kill someone? Is it his bloodlust?

"Oh- ok. Sorry Red Eyes. Just a quick question tho."

"Hmm," he hummed as he stuffed another handful of cereal in his mouth.

"If you want to kill me so bad, why don't you just do it. You said the reasons you had for keeping me alive two days ago didn't apply today."


"Oops, yeah sorry~" I giggled. Reaching across the table I patted his head, "I won't do it again, 'kay! There, there~" he grumbled quietly and shook his head away from my hand.

Zack looked up at me and grinned, "Plus, why would I kill you if you're going to feed me and not report me to the cops, it's perfect!" 

"Yeah I only won't report you to the cops if you help around the house, and with other things I need. You're going to be my employee! But... without getting payed!" I laughed a little as I stuck my tounge out playfully. I could tell he didn't like this.

"As long as I still get to kill people."

"Zack, I don't give a fuck on who you kill as long as it isn't me."

"That's a bummer, I was looking forward to slicing your little neck once I had the chance." He looks back down at the bowl and continues eating. He looks so adorable!

"Hey kitty, you got a problem? I can feel you staring at me."

Staring at him, I was staring at him?

"I did let you eat my food. Can't I watch you eat it? Plus you look so cute eating it, it fills me with sterotonin!" I squeal

"No you can't stare. It bothers me to be watched." Zack says seriously.

"Ugh. Way to ruin the mood by being so stern. Fine I'm going to sleep if it bothers you so much," I start going up the stairs, "don't forget to close the door on your way out!" I yell from my room.

"Yep, got it!"

As soon as I got to bed I felt my eyelids become heavy and I blanked out. After a little bit I regained conscience. Huh. I can't believe It! I got some sleep!

I start turning around to my other side celebrating my victory, when I come face to face with...


What do you think, should you put the milk or cereal in first? Also, what is Zack doing in y/n's bed?!😳
Hope you guys enjoyed, stay tuned for updates...

~This chapter was bought to you by:  Levi in a maid dress: 

~This chapter was bought to you by:  Levi in a maid dress: 

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