10.3 - Suki

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Their carriage ride to Azula's new building site was silent, both girls tired after training under the midday sun. Azula seemed completely lost in thought and Suki didn't want to disrupt her either.

Suki was excited to return to the South Pole, she'd been once before and she'd loved it. She hadn't minded the cold at all, it just meant more time cuddling with Sokka by a fire, and talking about a whole bunch of crazy things. Suki loved hearing about all his ridiculous new ideas and inventions, his training and the shenanigans he and Katara got up too. Hakoda was great too, super sweet and accommodating, and his new girlfriend Malina was lovely too.  

Sokka had met her parents too, and they'd absolutely adored him. Her mother had told her about a thousand times how good-looking or handsome or strong he was. It had been slightly embarrassing, but he'd eaten up all the praise, and had charmed everyone he met.

She missed not seeing him as much nowadays, but she was happy living in the Fire Nation and protecting the royal family. She got to go home as much as she liked, to see her parents and old friends – mostly because Zuko was the biggest pushover when it came to giving his friends what they wanted.

Suki loved being the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors too. Recruiting new girls, training them and watching their confidence and skill grow meant everything to her, and she knew it would have meant everything to Kyoshi too. It was always incredible when she heard about new groups of warriors forming in the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes. She sighed, if only Kyoshi could see us now...

They pulled up outside the construction site and jumped out, keen to take a look. It had only been a couple of weeks but the project was really coming along.

The property was huge, and a bunch of workers were building a huge wall all the way around it. There was plenty of space inside for big gardens, a pool and outside dining and sitting areas. The foundations for the house had been laid, and the frame was being assembled. From what Suki could see, the place was going to be huge.

The foreman greeted them at the end of the long driveway, and escorted them through the 'rooms' showing them where everything would be. There would be 15 bedrooms that would have enough room for two girls in each. There would be 6 fully decked out bathrooms in the living quarters, and other smaller ones throughout the building. Leisure spaces were also dotted throughout the building, as well as a few smaller rooms where the girls would be able to meet with Kaya, or another counsellor – Azula had already begun the search for more people like Kaya, or at least, for people who were willing to learn from her.

The foreman led them through a central hallway, where a library and training area branched off to either side.

"So there you have it. Is it all acceptable, your highness?" The man asked carefully.

Azula looked back at him, "Yes." A beat, "Thank you. It's marvellous work, and it'll be incredible once it is complete."

He bowed, coming up with a grin, "I'm glad to hear it."

"Well, if that's all, we'd best be going!" Suki linked her arm with Azula's and steered her out. She was on a very tight schedule today, and needed to keep her on track. She and Zuko had a little surprise for Azula today, though Suki was extremely confused that Azula hadn't figured anything out yet.

"You are acting so weird today," Azula scrutinised Suki.

Suki just grinned back, "I'm excited! The Pole is incredible. You're going to love it. I think. Have you ever been to the snow before?"


"Okay, well it's really cold. But you'll be fine. If Zuko can keep himself warm with his firebending, you'll be able to as well."

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