7.3 - Mai

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Mai walked with Ty Lee back to the carriage that brought them to the palace that morning.

She was still trying to digest all that had happened. Apparently, Azula had figured herself out and now wanted to be friends again. Mai almost laughed. After all Azula had done, to Mai and Ty Lee, she wanted to be forgiven?

She's going to have to do a whole lot more than just invite me to tea...

"Gosh she looked different, don't you think?" Ty Lee bobbed along beside her, and turned to Mai.

"I suppose. A little less murdery and awful."

"Come on Mai, at least she's trying. I...I never thought she might actually want to be friends again."

"You sound hopeful. It's scary," Mai grinned as Ty Lee slapped her arm playfully, "You're not thinking of just forgiving her, are you? Especially after all she's done?"

"No. I just...I don't know, I kind of feel bad for her. She looked so...broken. So different there. Suki told me that when her father left her behind she had a mental breakdown... that she went crazy. She and Zuko fought an Agni Kai...she lost."

"Serves her right."

"Mai! What is going on with you today?" Ty Lee stopped and turned on Mai.

"What's going on with me? She was going to kill me Ty Lee! She's put Tom-Tom in danger twice before and both times she thought of it as a game! She brought me along to kill Zuko! Knowing exactly how I felt about him. Ty Lee, she has ruined our lives in so many ways!"

Ty Lee looked completely taken aback by Mai's words. She seemed to consider for a beat, "I'm sorry Mai, I agree with you...I do. I guess...it's just sad, knowing that despite being a horrible person, now she's just...this. She looked like a shell, and I tried getting angry with her, and feeling all that pain and humiliation she'd caused me. But she couldn't even look at us Mai. I just...I could only feel bad for her. I'm sorry if I upset you with what I said."

Mai shook her head, "Me too. I didn't mean to explode on you like that. I don't know. It's just...I'm happy now, you know? I mean it's not perfect, and it's not like life as a noble."

Ty Lee snickered, "That's for sure."

Mai continued, "But, I get to walk Tom-Tom to school and we have fun. I like working at the shop, and doing stuff. I love hanging out with you and our friends on weekends. I don't want her to ruin that."

Ty Lee bit her lip, "I get that. Travelling the world with the girls these last few years has been incredible. I've made so many friends, and seen so many new places. Not to mention, my chi-blocking is kind of legendary." The girls laughed, "But I feel like we should give her a chance. She clearly wants to patch things up. There may still be room for a new friend."

Mai gave her an unconvinced look and Ty Lee shrugged, "We don't have to decide today. Come on." She hooked her arm through Mai's and they continued walking.

"Soooo," Ty Lee started innocently, and Mai whipped her head around, "did you notice how Zuko couldn't stop staring at you all lunch?"

Mai rolled her eyes, as Ty Lee went on, "Maybe you guys should hang out sometime."

Mai thought about that. The last time they'd been together... It had been a few years after the war. They'd finally been able to settle back into normalcy, and they'd planned to go out together for dinner in the city. He'd been late to the restaurant, and had been completely exhausted and distracted the entire night. Mai had been tired from working in the shop all day too, and before she knew it, the two of them were arguing. She told him that he never seemed to have time for her anymore, and he responded that it was hard to make time while running an entire nation. Eventually, she'd just told him that they were done. Mai still hadn't been able to get the image of Zuko's devastated face out of her mind.

She'd barely made it in the door that night before breaking down in tears. Her chest ached and she wondered how many time she would let him break her heart. She loved him, she really did. And for a while, she'd pictured her whole life with him – Mai knew she would have to assume certain roles as wife of the Fire Lord, but she'd spent her entire life preparing for that anyway.

None of that mattered now though. She'd been on a bunch of dates with so many different boys, most of them set up by Ty Lee, and yet none of them had worked out. She couldn't help comparing them to a certain Fire Lord...

Ty Lee went on, "I mean, he's obviously still got the hots for you. Asking you to go to the palace party? Could he make it any more obvious that he just wants to see you all dressed up?" Ty Lee giggled as she poked at Mai.

"I'm pretty sure he invited both of us because we're his friends. And no, he doesn't want anything to do with me. Ugh. It doesn't matter anyway! He's going to have to marry some bimbo for a political alliance and it just...doesn't matter."

Ty Lee looked down, "I'm sorry."

Mai sighed, "Well, what about you huh? Meet anyone during your travels?"

Ty Lee turned red and seemed to stumble over her words, "Oh haha, yeah...well, sort of...I mean...yes...but we, it just...didn't work out. I move around too much for anything super serious. You know?"

Mai just stared at her friend, "Wow. Okay, I'm going to drop it for now, but you will give me more details. Even if I have to torture them out of you." Mai jokingly flicked a knife up into her hands.

Ty Lee was still bright red, and her voice was awfully high as giggled awkwardly and raised her hands in surrender, "Noooo, that's okay...."

They continued walking and reached the stairs leading down to the carriage.

"So do you actually have a dress for the new years party?" Mai asked.

"Nope, but there's still time to go shopping! I'm guessing you don't either?


"Excellent! Shopping day it is! When is your next day off of work?" Ty Lee stepped into the carriage and took a seat.

"Two days from now. Is that too soon?" Mai sat across from her as the door shut and they began to move.

"Not at all! This is going to be so fun!" Ty Lee clapped her hands excitedly. 


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