7.2 - Azula

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Azula circled the table one last time, her sharp eye checking every minor detail. A servant stood patiently nearby, on call in case they needed anything else. There wasn't a speck of dust, the teapot was brewing the newest tea from the Jasmine Dragon, the snacks were laid, and everything was perfect. And still she couldn't stop her stomach from doing somersaults.

Kaya had jokingly said that she should have tea with Mai and Ty Lee to get to know them, but Azula had taken her idea seriously. She'd been talking with Kaya about them for a couple of sessions now, and she had worked through a lot of her feelings. She had begun to understand how her father had only ever shown her relationships based on fear, and that as an impressionable young child she was bound to absorb his teachings, and even try to mimic his actions.

Kaya had also taught her that while these things explained her behaviours they did not excuse them. She would have to ask her friends to forgive her. To give her another chance.

"Stop pacing around, you'll wear out the carpet," Kaya chided. Azula spun to glare at the old woman, who met her anger with complete indifference. Azula scowled and sat down beside her at the table, pouring some tea. Zuko and Suki sat together having a hushed conversation and Azula suspected it might have something to do with the fact that Mai would be here today.

He'd confessed that he still cared about her, and as conflicted as Azula had been and still was about Mai...she wanted him to be happy.

A knock sounded on the doors to their dining room and Azula's heart crept up into her throat. Kaya patted her hand reassuringly and smiled at her.

Zuko looked up at her and they all stood to greet the two girls.

"Enter," called Zuko. Azula noticed that he'd picked his finest robes today, and his hair was looking extra perfect. She could have laughed. The Mai she knew wouldn't care about how fancy his clothes were, but that didn't seem to have stopped Zuko.

The door opened and Azula felt the world slow as she got her first glimpse at them. She hadn't seen them in over 2 years, and they had changed immensely.

Ty Lee still wore her signature pink, but today wore a kimono-style dress with slits up the sides and pants underneath. Pretty and formal enough while still being practical. She wore her hair in a high ponytail still, but today it wasn't braided, and her brown hair fell in waves down her back and over her shoulders.

Mai looked beautiful in a deep red dress that also had splits on either side, allowing for more movement. She wore her hair down today, with the top half pulled back into a loose ponytail.

Azula had always known that her friends were pretty, and they had been sought after in court by many suitors, but they had grown up to be seriously beautiful. She didn't miss the slight hitch in Zuko's breath when Mai entered the room.

They walked towards them, faces unreadable and Azula found that she couldn't move her feet. Thankfully, Suki stepped forward with a grin, embracing Ty Lee, and then Mai in big hugs. The three girls immediately started gushing about how good they all looked, and blabbed on about how they'd been. Azula noticed how Mai spoke so openly too, a far cry from the shy and silent young girl she'd been. She grinned at her friends and laughed with them too.

Friends. Because that's what they were. Without her. Azula focused on breathing and keeping calm. Ty Lee hugged Zuko quickly and then Ty Lee was standing before Azula. They'd both grown, but now Ty Lee was at least an inch or so taller than Azula.

Ty Lee smiled again, but Azula didn't miss the hidden fear in her eyes. Instead of a hug, her old friend dropped into a quick and elegant bow, before standing straight again, "Princess Azula."

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