6.3 - Azula

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Early that next morning a servant arrived to bring Azula an official set of robes and a summons to the throne room for an 'audience with the Fire Lord'. She dressed quickly and even placed her old crown in her topknot. She breathed deep, assuming the role of Fire Nation princess, and stood tall, chin up.

Azula strode down the hallway purposefully and servants and guards alike quickly moved out of her way. Finally, she arrived at the large hall with the portraits of all the previous Fire Lords, and slowed as she looked up at them. Fierce, angry, stern and regal faces stared through her. Azula recalled her father teaching her that she should be like that too, feared by all. She almost laughed to herself as she thought about what all that fear had got him: a life sentence in a jail cell, no bending, no power and no throne.

As she stepped up to the doors to the throne room, the guards nodded to her and pushed open the doors. Azula stopped cold as she took in the room. She'd spent many years in here with her father, for war meetings, lessons or family audiences with Fire Lord Azulon or her father.

But now... The place was unrecognisable. Previous Fire Lords–including herself–had always lit up a wall of flames between their throne and the room, yet Zuko did not.

Azula walked forward, through the many black pillars, which had now been wrapped with garlands of red, orange, yellow and blue silk. It looks like fire, like little flames curling around the pillars... The room was beautiful, open, and welcoming.

Azula stopped in front of Zuko, sitting regally on his throne. She knelt before him, "Fire Lord." It was still strange treating him this way, and yet, something about it felt right. He was the Fire Lord, she must show him the proper respect.

"Azula. Please, come sit," he gestured to the seat to his right. The seat he used to sit in as crown prince, as heir. Does this mean... She didn't finish the thought as she took her seat beside him.

Zuko nodded to some of the guards and Azula's group of runaway girls were brought before them, and made to kneel before Zuko.

Azula tried to keep her face impassive, but she knew that this was all her fault. And while she'd been forgiven for all the things she'd done, and found family, love and safety, these girls had been left in the dust.

"I assume you have a leader?" Zuko's voice was authoritative, confident, controlled. Azula had never heard him like this, and refrained from turning to stare at him.

The girls just glared at him, and at Azula. They didn't speak.

"Fire Lord, if I may," Azula turned to him and bowed her head.

Zuko nodded. Permission to continue.

"Their leader's name is Ena. But please, their attack wasn't entirely their fault." She turned to the girls, hoping that they would forgive her and begin answering Zuko's questions. She was beginning to see that while he was more patient and merciful than father, he wouldn't tolerate them if they wouldn't cooperate.

He turned back to the girls, "Explain yourselves. I promise to be just and fair, but I cannot be those things if you will not cooperate."

Ena looked down before slowly rising. She kept her head bowed as she spoke, venom in every word, "Well Fire Lord, we were friends of your sister. When your pretty guards came to take her away, she told us that if we didn't hear from her in a few weeks, we should come and rescue her. Princess Azula feared she would once again become your prisoner. But now we see that that was not the case." Ena glared up at Azula, "It seems we were meaningless pawns in her grand scheme to regain her title and crown."

Azula's eyes and chest stung at the words. Ena was wrong, wasn't she? Azula hadn't meant to discard them like that

But that's all you do...Use people and then throw them away–

"Enough! You will watch how you speak about members of the royal family." A guard pushed Ena back to her knees and Zuko turned to Azula, "Is that true?"

"The first part is. But I never used them to regain my title or crown. I just...forgot to send the letter. I'm sorry Ena, girls."

They continued to glare at her and Zuko.

Zuko seemed to think for a moment, before saying, "You girls came from the asylum. Perhaps you should be sent back, your families must be very worried about you, and you still need help–"

"No!" Aiko roared, "I would rather die than go back to that horrible, awful place!"

Zuko stared them down, and Azula could see his resolve hardening. Think Azula! Think!

"Perhaps..." Azula spoke before she'd even finished her thought, and all eyes in the room turned to her. Great, I've got to commit now...

She cleared her throat and started again, her mind whirring as the plan seemed to fit into place right before her eyes, "Perhaps we could create a place for them to stay... They could receive help like I did from Kaya...without needing to imprison them..."

Zuko gave her a confused look, "Azula?"

Gathering her thoughts, Azula went on, "Fire Lord, these girls were just like me, alone, lost, afraid. You've seen how much I've been able to change with the help of Kaya, and my family. These girls need the same. Don't send them back to the asylum, and don't imprison them. I–I'll find them somewhere to stay, and they can receive help. They can get better."

Zuko stared at her, eyebrows raised and eyes wide. He's surprised, she thought, is that good or bad...

"Very well then, that sounds like a good plan Princess," Zuko said after a moment of thought. He turned back to the runaways, "In the meantime they will be treated as... guests. I will have a room prepared for you to share. Guards will be posted day and night, and if there are any problems, your time at the palace will end immediately and you will be sent straight to the asylum. Understood?"

The girls looked up at them wide-eyed but nodded quickly, not daring to pass up an opportunity to stay at the palace. The guards escorted them out and closed the doors behind them, leaving Zuko and Azula alone in the room.

Zuko stood and offered her a hand up. She took it and the two headed down the steps to the floor of the throne room.

Azula began speaking at the same moment as Zuko, "The throne room looks different–"

"Did you really mean that–"

"You first."

"You first."

Azula waited.

Zuko sighed, "Azula, did you really mean what you said? About creating a place for them?"

"Yes. I don't know where it came from, but it felt right."

He nodded, "Well then I'll be looking forward to seeing your plans and proposals."

Azula stared at him, "Really?"

"Of course. It's your idea, so you're in charge. Let me know what you want and I'll help fund it or whatever you need."

She felt her lips tug upwards and didn't fight the smile. "You know, you're not a half-bad Fire Lord after all. I like what you've done with the place too." She gestured to the brightly coloured pillars and the lanterns lighting up the vast room, "It was always too dingy and dark when father was Fire Lord."

Zuko smiled, "Right? I'm glad you like it. I wanted to make it as anti-Ozai as possible."

"Mmm, yes. I'd love to see his reaction to it. I think he'd pass out if he saw it now, perhaps he'd simply die of shock."

Zuko laughed, "Don't tempt me to show him."

She grinned, ecstatic that she'd been able to make Zuko laugh with one of her jokes. Then she was annoyed that she'd gotten so happy.

"Come on, I'm starving." He strode for the door and she followed along, mind buzzing with possibilities for her new project.


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