8.3 - Zuko

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Zuko couldn't stop grinning. He'd had so much fun planning this night, even if it had caused him more headaches and sleepless nights than any other event. But seeing the look on his friends faces when they'd first seen it all set up...Well, they made it all worth it.

His friends and Kiyi had all run off at Sokka's comment, and Ursa and Noren followed them not long after that. That just left Azula. She was still standing at the railing and looking out over the courtyard, and the people that filled it.

Zuko came up and stood beside her, watching his people laugh, play, eat and celebrate together.

"This is..." Azula began.

"Incredible? Awesome? Amazing? Expensive?" Zuko grinned at her.


Zuko's heart sunk, "Do you not like it?"

Azula spun to him panic on her face, "No! I mean yes! It's incredible. I just...I..." She gestured broadly to the crowd, and huffed a laugh. "In all my plans to be Fire Lord, I never even thought about this stuff. Fun. And I'm only now seeing how important it is. They needed a leader that cared, not a ruler who only wanted power and conquest. I guess...what I'm trying to say is that I'm happy you're Fire Lord. I'm happy that the Fire Nation has a leader that cares about them. Even if he can be a total dork."

They laughed, and Zuko realised that his eyes stung. You're fine, he thought, no need to cry. Get it together Zuko.

"Thank you," he managed to choke out.

They looked out over the crowd again for a moment, just taking it in. But then Zuko noticed Sokka and their friends below them, waving in big circles and then pointing to the ground.

"What the–" Zuko started but was cut off by a sharp laugh from Azula.

"See you at the bottom, LOSER!" Then she was off, racing down the stairs in her new dress, and Zuko remembered what Sokka had said before. He was going to be the last one down.

He groaned before racing off after her.

Sure enough, his friends were all waiting at the bottom of the stairs, and they cheered as Azula exited the stairwell ahead of him. Zuko arrived just in time to see her sketch a bow, and they all whooped again.

Unfortunately, they then saw him, and their loving insults began: "Loser Lord" "Sifu Loser" "Flamey-o Loserman!"

"Okay okay, I know!" Zuko raised his hands in surrender and they all laughed as they wandered through the crowds, buying different foods and trinkets and adorning themselves with their new purchases.

Zuko noticed that even Azula seemed to be getting along with the others better. She and Sokka looked over a jewellery stall, holding up different pieces to the other, and then joking about how awful it made them look, before laughing and doing it again.

Toph had also grown closer to Azula it seemed, and the two walked together, sometimes with Toph holding onto her arm for guidance in the crowded walkways.

Zuko arrived at a metalworker's stall, and looked over the different trinkets, knives and ornate armour.

"Looking for anything in particular?" Mai said coming up beside him.

He grinned, "Not exactly. This girl I once dated had a thing for knives, they remind me of her."

Mai looked down, but Zuko caught the small smile on her face. It was so nice seeing her again. He hated how they'd left things, and even though he'd tried to make things right, it seemed as though they were both just too busy. Too busy to meet up, to date, to see each other, to talk...

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