12.2 - Zuko

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Zuko hated Azula's combat bending.

So, so badly. The morning Katara and Azula had returned with the idea, he and Aang had been dragged out of bed to go duel them.

Of course, Zuko knew very well that both girls were probably the best benders of their respective elements alive. And they were 18. Zuko could tell even Aang's endless patience had been tested as the boys had been thrown off the ice arena again and again.

Zuko had convinced himself that it was because they made up the game, or because he and Aang were tired, or because Aang was using waterbending instead of his usual airbending. It didn't really matter though. There had been times they'd knocked Katara or Azula off, but they were few and far between. The girls were a natural team, defending each other easily while attacking in tandem.

When their time in the Southern Water Tribe finally came to an end, Zuko was surprised to find that he was glad to be leaving. Their stay had been fun, but he was keen to return home, where there wasn't any combat bending arena's to be knocked off. Azula had stayed with Katara though, and the two had gone with Aang to Cranefish town, where Toph's metalbending academy was. Apparently, they had planned to get her help, and improve their amateur design. 

They'd been there for a little over two weeks now, and Azula had sent him a message, asking him to come see (and play) their new version.

He could only imagine the horrors that awaited him.

Though, Zuko had to admit, he had sort of missed having her at home, the palace was kind of lonely with her gone. Suki had stayed with Sokka in the South Pole, as they'd begun planning for their wedding, leaving the place even more empty.

It wasn't all bad though. Mai had finally come to stay with him, and they'd had fun doing new things together. They'd tried baking a cake, and had made an absolute mess. Even so, he loved spending time with her, eating dinner together, or going for walks around the gardens. It was so nice to just be with her, and not have to worry about Azula, or his father or any other pressures. Peace at last.

He spent more time training with Ty Lee too now, who could be just as strict and vigorous as Suki, he'd found. But his hand-to-hand combat had vastly improved.

His meetings had been going alright, but he really missed having Azula there to straighten some of the advisers out. Zuko could handle them, but sometimes it was nice to have her scare them for him.

Zuko's ship pulled in at the docks, and he, Kiyi and Ty Lee hopped into a carriage to go up into town. Convincing Ursa to let Kiyi come with him had been a mission, but eventually, Ty Lee had promised Ursa that she would be with Kiyi all day, every day, as her personal bodyguard.

It had taken a lot of long fights though, one of which ended with Ty Lee telling Ursa that while it was good to care about Kiyi, Ursa's overprotectiveness would only push her daughter away, like it had with Azula. Zuko had been surprised by Ty Lee's seriousness, but it had gotten through to his mother, so he was grateful.

Kiyi was thrilled too, to see her sister, to see Katara, to see the combat bending, to get away from home...the list went on. Ty Lee had also continued her training, so his little sister was pretty much in heaven.

"Do you think I'll get to have a turn?" Kiyi whispered, wide-eyed as she watched the town pass by.

"Maybe. We'll just have to wait and see," Ty Lee responded, also enjoying the scenery. Zuko wished Mai could have come, but her mother had come down with a fever, and she'd opted to stay at home for this one.

He didn't get to think too long about it, because they finally pulled up at the metalbending academy, where Toph now resided.

Their friends came out to greet them, with hugs and lunch. Zuko couldn't see any sign of their new horror-stadium, but that did nothing to ease his nerves.

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