6.4 - Zuko

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After spending the rest of the day with his guards double-checking the palace for problem areas and places where the palace was unguarded, Zuko was exhausted. He trudged into the dining room to see his family already seated. Ursa didn't take her eyes off Azula, and Zuko realised that she had probably been the most scared after last nights attack. She'd finally been able to begin rebuilding her relationship with Azula, and had almost lost it overnight.

Azula was conversing politely with Noren and Kiyi, and Zuko noticed a stack of papers in her lap.

"Zuko!" shouted Kiyi, and Ursa reprimanded her for yelling. Zuko had noticed that Ursa did that a lot, chastised and corrected her daughter. It reminded him a bit of her relationship with Azula, and not in a great way...perhaps he should talk to her about it.

"It's okay mom, she's just happy to see me." Zuko smiled at his little sister.

Kiyi gazed at Azula in awe as she said, "Azula was almost kidnapped last night, but she fought her way out and–"

"Hold on, is that what she told you?" Zuko turned accusing eyes to Azula who shrugged and smirked.

"Well I may have...added a few details..." Azula said slyly.

"Right..." Zuko shook his head with a smile and began to eat.

After a few bites, Zuko turned back to Azula, "We checked the palace today for any weak points and found a few. It'll be better guarded tonight."

She shrugged, "As you said brother, I would have found a way to escape anyway. You needn't worry about me." Her eyes widened for a second, and she put down her chopsticks to pull up the sheets of paper. "Speaking of last night's incident, I wrote up some plans and ideas for the new home. Here, take a look."

Zuko put down his food and took the papers, glancing over Azula's perfect writing and a couple of neat drawings and diagrams. He placed them down beside him and promised her that he would.

"What are you talking about?" Ursa asked puzzled.

"Oh, right...Azula would you like to explain?" Zuko looked to her expectantly.

She looked hesitant about sharing for all of them, but eventually spoke, "Well, Zuko was going to send the girls back to the Asylum and I know how much they hated it there so I thought of a better alternative. I'm going to buy a house in the city and use it as a 'safe house' so to speak. Young girls and women in need can go there to escape overbearing or...abusive families. They'll learn to defend themselves and receive help like I did."

Ursa looked at Azula, baffled at first before it quickly turned into pride, "That sounds wonderful dear! I'm so proud of you! Though I am still a little concerned. What if they try to kidnap you again?"

Azula shook her head, seeming annoyed. "They won't," she snapped. "It was my fault they were here in the first place. And they're not stupid enough to try that again."

Ursa looked like she wanted to argue but Zuko gave her a sharp look and she stood down.


After dinner, Zuko walked with Azula back to her room, flipping through her notes, and asking her questions about them. They finally arrived at her door and he said, "This all looks great Azula. I'd love to help you out with it, and go with you to pick a house but I'm just really busy right now, with the Fire Nation colonies, New Year's celebrations and now my advisers are trying to get me to find a wife and–"

"What?!" Azula rounded on him and he took a step back.

"Wh-what?" Zuko stammered, retreating another step as she glared at him with such intensity.

"A wife? What about you and Mai?" her voice was uncomfortably loud and Zuko awkwardly checked both ways to make sure no one was listening.

"Can we talk about this inside?" She huffed and spun on her heel, charging inside to wait for him. Why is she so angry?

Zuko shut the door behind him, "Uh...so I kind of messed up...again. Mai and I," he hung his head. "I guess she realised that she could do better. Be with someone better."

Two strong hands grabbed his shoulders and shook him, "What do you mean 'found someone better'? You're the Fire Lord! You can't get better than that!"

"Look Azula, it doesn't matter anyway. I haven't spoken to her in months, and I just..." he trailed off, his thoughts whirring. He rubbed at his temples, "I...still care about her. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else and yet.... I just don't know what to do. I don't think there's anything I can do."

Azula barked a laugh, "You have to be joking."

"Excuse me?" Zuko's anger grew

"When have you ever given up on something you wanted?" He stared at her, What?

She counted off her fingers, "Firebending, knife combat, the Dao, finding the Avatar, besting me, defeating father, finding mother." She threw up her arms, "Zuko, I was born with a talent for firebending, but you! You were born with the most stubborn, never-give-up attitude ever!"

Zuko just stared at her stunned. Was she complimenting him?

"Zuko!" she shook him again, "I won't let you give up on this. Give up on Mai. You love her! Father may have been terrible but he taught us to never give up the things we wanted without a fight. So you better get it together and fight for this! Fight for her!"

Zuko stood in stunned silence, studying her angry face. Zuko was lost, why on earth did she care? His own voice was just as angry when he replied, "Why do you care so much? I thought you hated her!"

She huffed turning her back on him to pick at an invisible fleck on her sleeve, "It doesn't matter what I think. This is about you."

"Right. Well thank you for your opinion Azula. I will consider it." He threw up his hands and stormed out.

He arrived at his rooms, and changed quickly before falling into bed, mulling over what Azula had said.

Fight for her.

But did Mai even want that? The last he'd heard from Ty Lee, Mai had been going on a bunch of dates with boys who suddenly seemed very interested in buying flowers from her mother's florist shop. Zuko had been happy to hear that she'd moved on. To hear that she was happy, even if it broke his heart to realise that it was without him. But now...

Aargh! This is all happening too fast...

With that annoyed thought, Zuko rolled over falling into an uneasy sleep.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

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(I'm editing this rn and wow, I'm at like 65.5k reads! Idk if anyone will read this but wowwww. Thank you all so, so much :D)

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