10.6 - Azula

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Azula lunged forward, entirely focussed on the man before her. She latched on to his energy with everything she had, holding him firm as she forced him to his knees. Shouts sounded around her but she shut them all out.

"You know nothing! Ozai turned me into a murderer! A monster worse than you could imagine. And when he realised that I was no longer necessary for his plans he cast me aside. His own daughter! He was a small, evil, worthless man – the worst Fire Lord and father ever. And you! You think that's what this nation needs?" 

Azula felt the air simmering around her, but she pressed on. "Zuko has worked every day to repair the Fire Nation and the world from years of abuse, and you stupid little creatures have the nerve to attack him and our family and friends!" Tightening her fist, the man arched back, screaming in terror as he realised that he had no control over his body. "You will pay for–"

The water slammed into her from the side, and Azula was thrown backwards into a tree. Azula was too stunned from the initial impact to do anything as the liquid solidified into ice, freezing her in place.

Katara stepped in front of her as the Fire Nation soldiers took the men away. Her eyes were wary but her voice was calm, "I'm sorry Azula, this was for your own good. I'm going to let you go now. Please don't do anything foolish."

The water loosened and Azula fell to her knees, still stunned, but her anger was returning hotter than ever.

Azula brought her fingers across her chest when–

"Azula! Come on you need to snap out of it!" Hands grabbed her own, and she was forced to look up into Mai's face. Azula was so stunned to see Mai so close that everything stopped for a second.

Her breaths were still coming in too short and her body shook, but Azula focussed on Mai's calm presence.

Mai went on, calm as ever, "Those idiots don't know what they're saying okay? This happens all the time–"

"All the time!" Azula shouted incredulous, "Why don't they know? About who Ozai really is? Who I really am?"

Mai didn't let go of her hands as Azula shouted at them, "It's not like we've had time to tell everyone exactly how the war ended."

"Azula, I didn't want to just put it all out there if you weren't ready for it...and besides, I'm still not sure how to...protect you," Zuko said as he squatted down beside her.

Right. From her idea to burn the Earth Kingdom to the ground. From trying to kill the Avatar, and Zuko, and so many others. But she'd changed....right?


"Aargh!" Azula struggled against Mai again, but she didn't let go. Azula didn't want to cry again, but she was exhausted. The energybending had taken more power than she'd realised. She took a moment to regain her strength. Mai let her hands go.

"How is he still ruining our lives? He's supposed to be gone..." Azula shook her head, focussing on the ground below her. Kaya had taught her an exercise on focus, where you picked something nearby and observed it until she'd calmed down. She took in the leaves covering the ground, counting them, noting their colour - anything to stop her from thinking about all the other stuff.

Azula heard Zuko say something to the others around them, to go back to the beach and give them some privacy, leaving only Zuko, Suki, Azula...and Katara.

Azula knew deep down that Katara had done it to stop her from going too far, but being bested by the waterbender again was infuriating. Azula kept an eye on her.

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