10.1 - Zuko

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Zuko was nervous to say the least. He had the day off of meetings, for a number of things, but mostly because Azula had requested his time today, for 2 hours. He had no idea what that meant or why she'd been so formal about it. To say he was terrified was a complete understatement.

He exited the palace doors to the courtyard, where the Kyoshi Warriors practised their routines and sparred. Today, they were all gathered on the left side, while Azula and Suki stood over to the right. They waved when he arrived, and he grinned in return.

Azula had told him to dress comfortably – training gear, she'd said. He wore a set of light-weight pants and shirt, as well as arm and shin braces. It was early morning, and not too hot thankfully, but he'd worn his hair up in a topknot, forgoing a crown.

Zuko stopped before the girls, almost afraid to ask what the plan was. Despite the two of them pranking and teasing him mercilessly, he was glad that they'd become friends. Azula had done awful things to Suki, but he'd learned quickly that she didn't hold grudges. Suki had always been an amazing team player – though he'd also learned that she hated cowardice and injustice. A few unfortunate guards had lost their jobs after messing up around her.

Suki had been an incredible influence on Azula, and Zuko was endlessly grateful to her for it. Yet, it never ceased to amaze him how terrifying girls were, it seemed he'd spent his whole life around the most dangerous women ever.

Zuko turned to his sister, "Should I be worried?"

Suki laughed but Azula scowled, "Of course not. I–" She stopped, as if trying to find the words. 

Zuko still hadn't quite grown accustomed to the new, more hesitant Azula. She'd always been so headstrong and confident in the past, though he supposed rebuilding yourself after having a complete mental breakdown would change you in a lot of ways. He was happy for her though. It was nice to see her have genuine friends, laugh more and have fun – like a teenager should.

Suki groaned, rolled her eyes and waved her hand at Azula, indicating to go on.

"I want to teach you to lightning-bend." Azula stood up stick straight and seemed to resume her old pompous self.

Zuko raised his eyebrow at her, "Are you okay?"

"Yes!" She snapped, "Do you want to learn or not?" Azula crossed her arms.

Suki snorted, and whispered loudly to Zuko, "She's nervous. And when she gets nervous, she gets mean."

Zuko stifled a laugh after he saw Azula's death glare, "Ah...right. Yes – let's learn to lightning bend."

Zuko gave Suki a 'save me please' look. She shrugged and patted him roughly on the back. He followed Azula away from where they'd been standing. They went through a few firebending warm ups, first without any fire and then using it.

Despite being the 'inferior' child, Zuko had always loved firebending. There was something completely exhilarating about it. And since meeting the dragon masters and his master-bender friends, it had become so much easier for him. He felt the flow of it through the air, the heat and energy flowing all around him. He could feel Suki and Azula nearby, and smiled slightly. He noticed that Azula still used her intense blue fire, though he wasn't exactly sure why.

He'd tried to bend with it in the past – it required so much focus, precision and determination. And so much emotion to fuel it. He'd been surprised at first – Zuko had always thought that Azula didn't have emotions. But then he'd fought her in the Agni Kai, and he'd seen them all come pouring out. Despite years of distrust, competition and pain between them, it had broken his heart.

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