5.1 - Azula

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The weeks blurred by, and she met often with Kaya to talk and 'work through' her different fears, emotions, thoughts or memories. Some days were definitely harder than others though. Most of their sessions ended in flames, tears or yelling. 

During a particularly fiery meeting, she had discovered that Kaya was a waterbender, who easily put out her flames. It had been a shock, but it had made sense. She had to give it to Zuko, he was certainly growing smarter and wiser. Perhaps he wouldn't be a completely terrible Fire Lord.

Slowly but surely, the hard edges inside her seemed to smooth, and the pain eased.

She ate breakfast with Zuko most mornings, and they had started talking again. Their conversations had started out with mundane things like the weather, or training with Suki. Still, it was nice to just...be there with him. She would never admit it, but when she was younger, she had looked up to Zuko. For a time. He'd been her best friend until she'd met Ty Lee and Mai, until her father had begun driving a wedge between them.

Soon enough though, he began to mention the things his council were discussing, like new laws or meetings. Azula knew they were all largely unimportant, but he listened to her thoughts and advice nonetheless. 

In turn, she had began to talk about the progress she'd made with Kaya. He was a good listener, only breaking his silence to offer small encouragements. Though things were still awkward she liked being asked for her opinions and advice, and though she would never admit it...it was nice to be able to talk to him about Kaya, and to see the proud look in his eyes as she noted her progress.

Suki also tried to talk to her about different things – mostly girly things. It had been strange at first; Azula had never had anyone she could really talk to about those things. After all, her mother had left when she was a child and she had only ever really had court advisers around her. And Mai and Ty Lee...well Mai's family had been shipped off to Omashu after Zuko's banishment and Ty Lee had run off with the circus. She'd only been 11, and hadn't even begun to think about the kinds of things normal teenage girls talked about...

A couple of months after returning to the palace, Azula had woken up to find blood on her sheets. It made sense she supposed, she was eating better now, and had gained back a healthy weight, so of course her period should return too. But that didn't make it any less inconvenient.

She'd searched her room but hadn't been able to find anything to use to stop the bleeding, and had eventually yelled at some servant to go find Suki – the only person she could think of to...ask for help.

Suki had arrived shortly after, breathless and dressed in her full Kyoshi warrior armour.

"Azula! I came as fast as I could. What's up?" She asked, worry lining her features.

Azula took a steadying breath, "I...have a problem."

Suki's face dropped, instantly on guard, "What? Is everything okay?" Her eyes swept the room quickly, searching for threats.

"Well I, I just need some...sanitary...items," Azula said carefully, her chin high. It was best to seem in charge; in control...she didn't want to embarrass herself, or to embarrass Suki. She knew this kind of thing was complete taboo.

"Oh! Oh yeah sure. Give me one moment, I'll go grab some," she smiled and turned to leave.

Azula blinked, incredulous, before blurting out, "You're not embarrassed?" 

"Of course not, it's normal," Suki shrugged, but then looked up at her and whispered conspiratorially, "Why? Is there some secret Fire Nation rule that says we can't talk about it?"

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