6.5 - Suki

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"Hmm. No. I don't like it. The doorways are much too low. And this wallpaper! It's ghastly; I couldn't imagine ever forcing another person to suffer looking at it."

Suki sighed and looked to Ling, who looked about as tired as she felt. When Azula had asked them to visit the city with her, they had been a little confused but after Azula had explained her idea for a home for young girls and women, the two girls had jumped at the idea to help her.

They'd spent the entire morning from eight o'clock sharp scouring the city for a place Azula could use. Their guide had been terrified to see Princess Azula come marching towards him, but Suki and Ling had been able to calm him down. Mostly. He flinched at every one of Azula's critiques, and while Suki was aware of some of the...rumours about the lost Fire Nation Princess, she was getting sick of his spinelessness.

Azula finished her scathing remarks about the tiling in the bathrooms and turned back to their guide, "Next place."

He winced again and Suki managed to stop herself from rolling her eyes, though Ling showed no such restraint.

He bowed low, "My Princess, we have seen every available house inside of the capital. There is no next place."

Azula's eyes narrowed and Suki jumped in before things got ugly, "You know what, let's go get lunch! The Jasmine Dragon just opened a small shop here in the capital, and I've been dying to check it out."

Azula looked like she wanted to argue but Suki gave her a pointed look and Azula flicked her hand, "Whatever."

They turned to go, hopping into the carriage awaiting them outside, while Ling told the driver where to go.

When they arrived at the Jasmine Dragon they saw a long line of people waiting outside.

"Ugh, I'm not waiting for that." Azula crossed her arms and stuck up her nose.

"Come on," Suki grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the carriage with Ling close behind. "You," she said to their guide, "can find somewhere else to eat. We're done for today."

She turned away before he could say anything else and marched right up to the front of the line. The man at the door started to tell her to head to the back of the line but she told him that they were special guests, hoping to try out the Lotus special. He rolled his eyes and allowed them through, much to the waiting people's dismay.

Suki smirked at Azula as she marched through the store to a hidden recess at the back of the store. She pressed on the hidden button and the wall slid away revealing a set of winding stairs.

"Another level," Azula said incredulously.

Suki just continued up to the second level and down the small hallway, into the door on the left.

"When he was designing this place, Iroh called on Sokka for help. And well, you know Sokka...he added this place for us to use whenever everyone was in town. Secluded, secure, private and really cool."


"Oh come on Azula, just admit that it's cool," Ling nudged the princess's arm playfully.

"It is rather smart. But don't tell him I said that."

Suki and Ling laughed, and a moment later a pretty young waitress arrived with a steaming pot of tea and some cups. She took their orders and soon the girls were chowing down on a selection of rice bowls and soup.

"So are you sure that you couldn't stand living in any of the houses that we've seen today? I mean, you are one of the richest people in the Fire Nation, and you know...the world. Surely you could just buy one and then paint, tile or wallpaper it to your needs," Ling said between mouthfuls of food.

Azula pushed her food around, "It's just...none of them feel right. I want it to be perfect–" She stopped and took a breath. "I want it to work."

Suki shook her head, "Of course it will work. It's a great idea, and from what I hear, the Fire Nation hasn't always been great to its women. Previous Fire Lords made sure of that. This might be just what the Fire Nation needs."

Azula didn't look convinced, "Well it doesn't matter anyway. The houses in the capital are terrible, and I don't want it to be too far from home. Ugh!" She threw down her chopsticks and stood up, pacing as she thought.

Suki thought hard. Azula liked perfection, perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect firebending, and perfect plans. She was aware that Kaya was trying to work her out of those habits, but for now, Suki thought she had an idea for perfect.

"Azula? I know there is a bunch of farmland just outside the city walls, what if you bought some land and built your dream house there."

Azula stopped pacing and turned to Suki. Suki could see the gears turning in Azula's mind, and her eyes began to go distant, as her thoughts turned to the home in the countryside, "Yes...yes, that is a good idea...perhaps...oh yes, that would definitely work much better. I think...mmhmm."

Suki tried to hide her smile at Azula's mumblings, she'd never seen the princess so lost in thought before, and it was a little funny. Ling also seemed to be stifling a smile and the two girls barely held it together as they made eye contact.

Finally, Azula whipped around towards them, "It's perfect! We could have rooms for training, spa rooms of course, places to relax and have fun, and of course rooms to meet with Kaya! This is it! Okay. Well, we'll need to fire that guide, and of course find some supplies so I can begin designing the house and–"

"Woah, slow down," Suki said, "I'm glad you like the idea Azula, but we still have to find the land first, and tell Zuko about the change of plans."

"Hmm, I suppose you're right. Very well, we'll go at once." Azula didn't wait for the others, and stood instantly, striding for the door.

Ling rolled her eyes and Suki shook her head. She left some money on the table, hoping it would cover everything and headed off after them.

They headed back to the palace, picking up a few art supplies as they went. It was kind of funny to see the child-like enthusiasm that Azula seemed to have, but Suki was glad. This might be what the Fire Nation needs, Suki had said, but it might also be what Azula needs too.


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