9.5 - Zuko

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The carriage ride back to the palace had gone smoothly, as had the banquet. Zuko had sat with his friends and family, laughing and joking. It was so great to have them all there, and he wished they didn't have to go back to their homes in a few days.

Now, he and Azula walked around the room, meeting with the other nobility and greeting their hopeful daughters. Zuko felt awful meeting them all, so many of them looked absolutely desperate while others didn't seem too happy at the prospect of marrying him – even if he was Fire Lord. Suki, Ty Lee and a couple of other Kyoshi warriors trailed them, ready to step in at any moment to protect them. 

Azula seemed to be right in her element, giving everyone cool glares and hidden insults. It was rather entertaining watching the old lords and ladies of the court getting told off by a 17-year-old girl. 

"Oh my gosh, Zuko look!" Azula grabbed his arm so tight he yelped. He looked where she was pointing and saw a couple of lords and generals standing with some younger men.

"Wait is that..." he couldn't believe it.

"Chan!" Azula shrieked, "From Ember Island!"

"I thought you didn't like him?"

"Oh I hate his guts! Let's go over, see what he'll do!" Azula practically ran off, dragging Zuko behind her. He recalled the last time they'd seen Chan – they'd been trashing his father's home. Not a great reputation for a Fire Lord to have...Oops.

"Well hello there gentlemen, how are we this evening?" Azula slid into place between two of them. They looked highly offended at being interrupted, until they noticed her crown, and then Zuko standing behind her. 

"Princess! Fire Lord!" They bowed, all except for one – Chan. His eyes bugged as he recognised the two of them.

"You're...princess?" He choked out, "Fire...Lord..."

"Why yes, we most certainly are. Forgive me, what was your name?" Azula said sweetly. 

Chan gulped, "No..."

Azula laughed, "Well 'no', I'd say it was a pleasure but...it wasn't. Gentlemen."

She turned and left, hooking her arm through Zuko's. He rubbed his face, "You're going to be the death of me." He gave her a tired side-eye.

Azula stuck her tongue out at him, "Shush, I'm your sister. It's my job to annoy you."

They continued through the crowd, Azula leading him from girl to noble until finally, she led him over to another beautifully dressed girl. 

"Mai!" he realised, calling out her name.

She spun around, first alarmed, but her face softened into a smile when she saw him. He sped up, pulling her into a hug when he reached her. 

"Hey stranger," she said as they embraced. 

He pulled back but kept his arms around her waist a little longer, "Hi, how are you? Did you see the unveiling? What did you think?"

"So many questions," Mai smiled, "I'm good, and yes, I saw the unveiling." She leaned in, "To be honest though, I think the new Fire Lord is a complete show-off."

Zuko shook his head solemnly, "I'll have to let him know."

Mai grinned, and then turned to give Ty Lee a quick hug. She turned to Azula then, and gave her a small smile. 

Azula in turn grinned at her, "Guess who we just saw! Chan – you remember, the guy who invited us to the party on Ember Island?"

"Oh yeah!" Ty Lee said, "I knew he looked familiar, I just couldn't remember where I knew him from."

The three girls burst into laughter, and it occurred to Zuko that as happy as he was to have them all become friends again...they were going to make his life hell... Why are girls so terrifying?

"Fire Lord! There you are!" Zuko turned to find a short, pot-bellied man and a girl about Zuko's age standing there. "I was hoping you would get the chance to meet my daughter, Akemi." He gestured to her, and she stepped forward, bowing low, eyeing Zuko up and down. He didn't enjoy it.

"Nice to meet you," Zuko said as politely as he could.

Before he knew it, Azula was between them, her hands on her hips as she assessed the man and girl before her. "And who are you?"

"I'm a farm owner Princess. We have land all around the capital, and all over the Fire Nation. We ship to many towns, villages and even the city," the man smiled warmly. He seemed nice enough, but Zuko's skin still crawled from the way Akemi had looked at him. 

"Admirable work. We certainly value what you do. I'm curious though, why would your...lovely daughter be here to meet the Fire Lord when she is the heiress to such an incredible fortune and business already?" Azula said coolly.

Akemi answered equally smooth, "Because Princess, I have two older brothers for that. One of whom is already a politician here at court, you may know him Ambassador Yan-ting?" She tilted her head, assessing Azula, before smiling again, "But you are not interested in that. Yes, I, like many other girls believe that a marriage to Lord Zuko would be very beneficial. He would have the support of my older brother, and uncle Hiroshi, and we would certainly help fill your Royal coffers with our money. A good deal, wouldn't you say?"

Azula smirked back at her, "Tempting. But consider this: you haven't grown up learning the extensive rules and etiquette of court. You have no political or military training or experience, and you may have money, but you don't have the charm or the power to survive here at court. Nor the manners: a true Fire Lady would know to never interrupt a conversation. Come to think of it, you weren't even on my list of girls to be considered." Azula's calm and cool voice felt like she was complimenting Akemi, but her words were anything but kind. 

Akemi's jaw clenched, but then she smiled again, "Plans change princess, your presence here is a testament to that."

Azula's eyes went dark. Rumours about her disappearance and reappearance had floated around the court for months, but no one had outright said anything to her yet.

Zuko put a hand on Azula's shoulder before things escalated, "It was nice meeting you, Akemi. Perhaps I will see you around."

She bowed again, smirking at the siblings, before leaving. They turned back to Mai, Ty Lee and the warriors. Zuko noticed Mai was looking down, a trouble look on her face. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, coming to stand beside her. 

Mai stood up straight, her troubled look instantly replaced with a smile, "Nothing. You should get back to the party. I won't keep you any longer." She bowed and then left before Zuko could say anything else. 

Ty Lee put her hand on his shoulder, "Sooooo...Mai mentioned something about living at the palace the other day, and it got me wondering..." She looked up at him, quirking a brow.

"What!" Azula gasped wide-eyed, "I've been chasing all these girls down and you! You didn't tell me!"

He sighed, "Yeah, I invited her to come stay there, so we could...try again. It would be easier if we were closer. If she didn't have to work." 

Ty Lee grinned, "You two are so ridiculous. I love it."

Zuko huffed and Azula snorted, saying, "Well I'm sick of it. Just get married already and all this can stop. If I never have to see that Akemi again, it'll be too soon." 

The girls laughed but Zuko was lost in thought. Just get married... He'd always known he would have to get married, and it would likely be for political gain but...marrying Mai. 

He grinned. 

That wouldn't be so bad...

Hello lovely readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please don't forget to vote if you did!
Thank you all for your comments! You guys are so funny and nice and they always bring a smile to my face.
Happy holidays and see you next time!

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