9.4 - Azula

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A little over a week later, Azula sat in her room fixing up her hair. She pulled it up into her usual top-knot and fastened her golden crown in it. Tonight was the grand reveal of the new Fire Lord's statue, and Azula was so excited to see it. Zuko had kept it under wraps, not allowing anyone to see it yet – saying he wanted it to be a surprise.

She wore an official set of robes over her light-weight pants and shirt, and she admired herself for perhaps a little too long in the mirror. Tonight was serious – Zuko would have the chance to meet a number of potential suitors, and as they would be out in the city centre, everyone was on high alert.

Azula looked forward to Zuko meeting the last few girls on her list, she'd narrowed it down from the hundred or so she'd started with to only 15 and was feeling pretty good about it. She was also excited to see Mai and Ty Lee again. They hadn't seen each other since New Years, and even though Ty Lee was on duty as a Kyoshi Warrior and Mai was there as a guest (and potential suitor), Azula hoped they'd get a chance to talk.

She hurried down the hall to the courtyard where a set of carriages were waiting for them. Ursa, Noren and Kiyi were waiting outside with a group of Kyoshi Warriors and Fire Nation soldiers. Azula wasn't too worried about security though – anyone who tried to mess up tonight was getting electrocuted.

Azula greeted her family, and Suki filled her in on the plan. They would ride to the citadel and stop just in front of the statue. It was covered, but there was a small section for nobles allocated, and that's where they'd stay for the unveiling. The civilians would all be behind a barrier so they would have a good view without getting too close to Zuko. Once the statue was unveiled, they would return to the palace for a banquet and Zuko would get a chance to chat with some of the girls.

"Sorry I'm late, come on everyone let's move!" Zuko arrived and the assembled people bowed, Azula included.

"Come on, we don't have time for this," he groaned, but he couldn't hide his smile. They filed into the carriages and headed off towards the city centre.

"Oh Zuko! You look wonderful...I'm so proud of you!" Ursa fussed over him in his robes and he had to gently push her off.

"Thanks mom," he smiled at her and she hugged him. "You all look great too."

"Zuko does it ever feel weird knowing that you're Fire Lord?" Kiyi asked suddenly.

He laughed, "All the time. Does it feel weird knowing your brother is Fire Lord?"

"Sometimes. But you're cool so it's okay."

They laughed and Azula shared a smile with Zuko, she asked pompously "How are you feeling tonight, Your Majesty?"

"Very well indeed, thank you kindly," he mimicked her silly voice and they laughed. "I'm guessing Suki filled you in on the plan?"

"Yes, she did. Trust me Zuzu, you have nothing to worry about. Tonight will be wonderful," she put on a serious face, summoning a blue flame, "Or else."

He laughed, "Great to hear you've got my back." 

They turned a corner and the massive statue came into view – or rather, the sheet covering it did. The carriage pulled to a stop and they exited one after the other, Azula went first, and an announcer called her name, "Princess Azula!"

The crowd cheered, and she blinked in shock. She didn't hesitate long though, searching their surrounds for any signs of trouble as 'Lady Ursa!' exited the carriage. Kiyi and Noren didn't get an announcement, just 'the Royal Family' to her sister's dismay.

Azula was still scanning the area when an upbeat voice said from behind her, "You know it's actually our job to make sure you guys are safe, right?"  She spun to see Ty Lee standing there, in her full Kyoshi Warrior armour.

"Ty Lee, it's great to see you again," Azula smiled.

"FIRE LORD ZUKO!" the announcer called, and Zuko stepped out of the carriage to an enormous cheer. He waved to the crowds, grinning like she'd never seen before. Once he joined them, they all stepped up to the viewing platform with the other nobles who bowed low to the royal family. Azula also noticed the Avatar, and Zuko's friends looking on proudly from the side.

Zuko raised a hand and the crowd quieted, "Thank you all! It is an honour to be standing here tonight. A Fire Lord's statue is a gift to both him and to his people. It reminds us of the importance of this role, the responsibility that I have to protect you, care for you and provide for you." Zuko paused, looking down, "My forefathers disrespected those responsibilities, and it led to unbelievable death and destruction. I have already made a promise to you, to never allow those things to happen ever again. We must work every day towards peace, love and unity. Thank you for joining me on this journey."

Zuko finished his speech and he stepped back, turning to the statue. He summoned his flames again, and bent them into a dragon – like he'd done for Azula and Kiyi at dinner one time. The dragon grew larger and larger, soaring over an astounded crowd before encircling the statue and burning through the sheet.

Azula gasped with the crowd as the statue was revealed. He jaw dropped as she took it in. His burn was instantly recognisable, as was his lack of official Fire Lord robes. He was dressed in his armour, but he didn't look intimidating, or angry or ultra-powerful. Azula was reminded of her father's statue, and the utter ridiculousness of it – he had been dressed for an Agni Kai, with flames spewing from his mouth and fists.

But Zuko didn't look like that. He looked solemn, protective, strong. His right arm was uplifted, with a warm orange flame burning there. He looked like he was lighting the way forward, out of their dark past and into a better future.

A hot tear rolled down her cheek and she swiped at it quickly. Zuko placed a hand on her shoulder and she pulled him into a hug. Ursa put her arms around the two of them too, sobbing softly. Zuko and Azula shared an 'Oh my gosh this is so embarrassing, mom please stop' look, and Noren came to rescue them, gently pulling Ursa away.

"So you like it? Or are you crying because it's so bad?" Zuko asked.

She scowled and wacked his arm, "I was not crying. I have no idea what you're talking about."

They laughed, and were soon heralded back into the carriages, heading back to the palace. 

Now the real fun begins... 


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xx Miss Birdie

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