11.1 - Zuko

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Zuko stood at the prow of the ship, watching the sun rise, the pinks, oranges and yellows filling the lilac sky. He'd got into the habit of waking early during his banishment, and had found that he quite enjoyed it – he could get more things done this way....and have some time to himself.

He was dressed in thick, fur-lined pants and jacket, in typical Fire Nation reds and blacks. The clothing was strange, heavier, though not as heavy as armour. And it was thicker, every movement seemed to require more effort.

Not one to complain, Zuko had taken it all in stride, excited to see the South Pole – as a friend this time. He'd been a few times before, meeting with Hakoda about trade routes and other business things, but this was more of a vacation. Zuko couldn't remember the last time he'd had one of those.

As the crew of the ship began to stir, Zuko thought back to the years he'd spent sailing with his uncle. It never ceased to amaze him how much things had changed since then.

His uncle had finally sent him a letter, apologising for his absence at the New Years Party. He'd come down with a bad fever and had been in bed for a week. He'd also apparently met a woman, who had brought her incredible cooking to the Jasmine Dragon – Himari, he'd said her name was. She'd been the one caring for him during his fever. Zuko suspected she was why he'd been in bed so long, dragging out the pampering, but he was glad to hear his uncle was back to his old antics. Uncle promised to visit soon, and Zuko was glad to be seeing him again.

He was about to head belowdecks when Ty Lee and Suki emerged, Kiyi sneaking out behind them. The three of them froze when they saw Zuko and the two older girls seemed to be trying to hide Kiyi between them.

Zuko crossed his arms, raising his eyebrow expectantly.

Kiyi, unable to go too long without attention, darted between them, "Zuko! They're going to train me to be a Kyoshi Warrior!"

Zuko honestly wasn't sure he could deal with another lethal sister. But he saw how excited she was – perhaps this was the only time she'd get to train without Ursa freaking out.

Zuko sighed, "All right, but if you see mom coming..."

"We'll pretend it never happened," Kiyi finished with a decisive nod.

Suki and Ty Lee didn't seem too fazed about the fact that this was going against Ursa's wishes, but he also knew both of them pretty well. Suki's parents had given her complete free reign, she answered to no one, and Ty Lee...well, she hadn't ever had to worry about parents caring too much either.

As the girls warmed up, Zuko practiced heating the air – not so hot as to hurt anyone. Just enough to dispel the chill, and make the girls more comfortable while they trained.

Slowly, the other members of their party awoke, first Azula, who'd quickly discovered that Zuko was the source of the warmth, and darted over to stand close to him. Then Katara, Aang and Sokka, and finally, his mother and Noren.

Unfortunately, the girls failed to stop their training before Ursa saw them, and the lecture began, "Kiyi! What are you doing? You know I don't want you becoming a Kyoshi Warrior! It's far too dangerous!"

Azula bristled, "Wouldn't you rather she learn how to defend herself? Face it mother, she's a firebender and a part of the Royal Family. You can't protect her from everything."

Ursa pulled Kiyi into a hug, trying to calm her voice, "There are guards, and Zuko... They can defend her just fine."

Zuko made to cut in, but Kiyi beat him to it, shouting, "But mom I want to learn! Suki and Ty Lee are cool and so are the Kyoshi Warriors! Why can't I join them?"

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