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•  The Fight •

"Ben!" Amphitrite shouted as she ran over to the raven haired boy

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"Ben!" Amphitrite shouted as she ran over to the raven haired boy. She looked down at his fresh kill, a young female padawan with tan skin and silvery white hair. The heat from Ben's lightsaber had cauterized her wound, keeping her from bleeding too much but she was still very dead. Amphitrite felt a sick feeling spawn in her stomach as she looked at the dead padawan, it was one of many that she had seen killed that night. "How could you?" She asked, her voice breaking as she looked up at him. Ben's eyes were dark. Any emotion she had seen in them earlier had since been removed by someone or something. "Amy," Ben's nickname for the elemental rolled off of his tongue in a comforting tone like butter. The way he said her name sent chills up her spine, like he had never slaughtered all of these innocent padawans. "They weren't innocent." He said, Amphitrite began to wonder if he could read her thoughts. She wouldn't put it past him. "They all judged me, my own uncle tried to kill me." "What?" Amphitrite asked, suddenly surprised. She knew her and Luke almost never seemed to see eye to eye anymore but killing Ben just because he sensed darkness in him? That was low... "Did you kill him too?" Amphitrite asked. "No." Ben replied flatly. "Not yet. His time will come." Ben then extended his hand to Amphitrite. "Now come with me, we can finally leave this place. And no one will stand in our way." Amphitrite hesitated. She looked down at his ginger hand that was outstretched to her. She then looked down at the body laying limply next to them. "I can't let you do this." She said through clenched teeth. Ben's expression fell. "Don't make me fight you, Amphitrite." He warned. Amphitrite's eyes narrowed and she resumed a fighting stance, ready to take down the Solo if she needed to. Ben sighed, he closed his eyes, obviously not wanting to fight the girl. "So be it." he ignited his lightsaber once more and Amphitrite quickly moved out of the way. Ben was strong with the force, though, he may have been reckless with his lightsaber movements but his precision with the force was always unmatched. He swung his saber again at Amphitrite and she dodged it. Growing tired of his fruitless pursuits with his saber, he reached his hand out and used the force to push the girl over. Amphitrite landed face first into the cool grass. He pressed his hand down by his side, fingers still extended and outstretched, forcing her face against the ground. "I find power in the darkness." He hissed. "You are no match for me, girl." he added, ready to make the final blow when suddenly, Amphitrite was able to loosen herself from his force hold. Slowly she started to regain her strength and rise up. She sat there on her hands and knees, her eyes staring at the ground intently as she steadied her breathing like Master Luke had told her to do. The fleeting image and sound of the rolling waves passed through her mind. She could feel herself gaining a new and unfound strength. "You are not the only one who confides in the darkness." She said as she finally stood to her feet. She used her abilities to draw several droplets of water from the grass and trees surrounding them. "My powers make me just as strong as you." Ben only growled as he brought his saber to meet the girl's chest. But Amphitrite countered just as quickly, creating a wave of water that she pulled from the now dead grass. Ben sliced clean through it, evaporating most of it. But Amphitrite did not back down. Ben went to swipe at her face and Amphitrite quickly created a shield of ice. Ben's hot saber shattered the shield but kept Amphitrite's face protected. She used her abilities to take the shards of ice and send them flying straight to Ben. He merely lowered his saber and outstretched his hand in the air. The icy darts froze mid air and as soon as Ben dropped his hand they all fell to the ground. Ben didn't even give Amphrite a second to act in response to his defensive action before he brought his blade back up and brought it down to strike her clean in the chest, through her heart. That's when his blade stopped in mid air.

Amphitrite { 𝔹𝔼ℕ 𝕊𝕆𝕃𝕆 }Where stories live. Discover now