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"What did you do?" Leo snapped at Ben

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"What did you do?" Leo snapped at Ben. He had seen Amphitrite run off after he heard her scream. she was running away from Ben. She was crying and seemed to be badly hurt. And of course, this enraged Leo. "Nothing!" Ben snapped back he was obviously lying though and that only made Leo even more upset. He scanned over Ben and saw the lightsaber hilt in his hand. Leo only became even more upset. "What did you do?" He asked more sternly as she narrowed his eyes at the weapon. Ben sighed. "I may have... burned her.." He admitted rather sheepishly. "You what?!" Leo nearly shrieked. "It wasn't my fault! I promise!" At this point, others had heard the commotion coming from the two. Hazel walked up to Leo, a worried expression on her face. "Leo? What's wrong?" She asked as she put a gentle hand on his shoulder. "He burnt our friend with his lightsaber!" Leo hissed, pointing an accusing finger at Ben. "He burned Amphitrite!" He added. At this point many of the other padawans heard the commotion and were looking at the display. A few gasps were heard and there was some muttering as all eyes were on Ben. Ben couldn't take the pressure. Everyone was staring at him and talking about him. His face became red from both anger and embarrassment. "It wasn't my fault!" He yelled hopelessly. "I didn't mean to!"

Amphitrite's sobs had become softer and much more quiet as she ran to the edge of the pond. She sunk to her knees as she gently placed her hot hands into the cool water. She hissed at the sudden feeling of the cool water lapsing over her burns. It stung at first but then she took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. She hummed softly as it started to feel cooling. She let out a deep breath and when she opened her eyes she couldn't believe what she saw. Her hands were completely healed. She took them out of the water and stared at them in awe. "Ah, the healing abilities." A voice from behind caused her to flinch. She turned to see luke behind her with a gentle smile. "Master luke I-" "Don't tell me what happened." He said as he walked over to her. "I'm sure I'll hear about it at some point. Now let me see your hands." He said and Amphitrite gently lifted her hands for him to see. "Extraordinary." He said as he gently pressed his fingers to her hands. "I had always heard that the elementals had strange but powerful healing talents but I never thought it true until now."

Amphitrite { 𝔹𝔼ℕ 𝕊𝕆𝕃𝕆 }Where stories live. Discover now