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• Fascinating •

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"Master Luke." Amphitrite called as she raced up to the Jedi Master first thing in the morning. The old man looked down at the girl as she ran up to him. "Amphitrite." He said softly. "What can I do for you at this hour of the morning?" Amphitrite took a few deep breaths as she tried to catch her breath from her trot across the area to find her master. "I need to talk to you." She said as her breathing slowed. "It's about some dreams I've been having." she added. Against what Ben had said, Amphitrite had finally decided to talk to their master about her strange dreams. Especially after last night's episode with the pond and the strange vision she received once under water. The dreams might have been nothing, just a wild imagination, but she would like to have that confirmed. She wasn't exactly sure what she wanted Luke to tell her, She just wanted an explanation. If he could offer that, that is. The master's eyes softened as he listened to her. Luke nodded. "Alright. Then let's hear about these dreams of yours."

"So these dreams always involve water?" Luke asked as he walked away from Amphitrite, leaving her sitting on the ground. She nodded as he walked away. "Yes, Why? Is that important?" She asked and Luke came back over to her with a small wooden bowl of water. "It might be, that is if it is what I think it is." He added as he placed the bowl in front of her. "Now close your eyes." She looked at him confused but followed his instructions, closing her eyes and waiting for his next instructions. "Okay?" She said. "Now I want you to visualize the ocean. The turning and shifting of the waves. I need you to imagine the sound of water rushing through a stream or a brooke." Amphitrite nodded as she remembered the distant sound of the ocean in her dreams, The waves crashing against a perfect shore. Her breathing matched the rhythm of the rolling waves she could almost hear perfectly in her ears. "Good, now reach out to the water, to the sea. Let it hear you, see you, and let it flow with you. Bend the water to your will." He told her and unintentionally, Amphitrite reached out her hand. She reached out to the sea, to the water. "Fascinating." Luke said as he watched and Amphitrite opened her eyes to see the water in the wooden bowl had begun to levitate in an imperfect orb right beneath her hand.

Amphitrite { 𝔹𝔼ℕ 𝕊𝕆𝕃𝕆 }Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora