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Lower Your Weapon

Artemis was nestled on the branch of a tree

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Artemis was nestled on the branch of a tree. She sat there waiting for the people she had seen walk by yesterday. She had been hunting her sister for weeks and her most recent lead had led her here. That's when she saw the same man walk by as before. He was escorted by a masked woman and they were both carrying several cases of something. She could tell they were heading to a ship that had been parked in the distance. She waited until they were directly under her to make her move. "Gotcha." She said quietly. In the blink of an eye, Artemis jumped down in front of them, blocking them from the passage to their ship. She pulled her bow around and it was instantly drawn back with an arrow. Her night blue eyes were narrowed at the two who instantly drew blasters on her. "Who are you?" The man asked. He wore a brown leather jacket and tan pants. His skin was tan and matched perfectly with his curly brown hair and chestnut brown eyes. "What do you want?" The woman with him asked. Her face was concealed behind a gold colored mask but Artemis could feel her eyes staring at her through her black visor. "My name is Artemis of the Northern Tribe of Statera. I'm looking for my sister." She said, holding her bow drawn at the two. "Look we don't know anything-" "I will be asking any questions." Artemis hissed, cutting off the man from speaking. "lower your weapon." The woman demand. "If you want us to answer any questions, then lower your weapon." "And you lower yours." Artemis replied. "Lower yours first." The woman replied. Slowly and hesitantly Artemis lowered her bow and returned the unused arrow to her quiver at her side. The other two slowly lowered their blasters in response. "What are your names?" Artemis asked. "I'm Poe Dameron." The man replied. "I'm Zorii Bliss. Why do you think we have anything to do with your sister?" "I have reason to believe you are involved in illegal practices. Possibly human trafficking." "Human what?" Poe said sounding shocked. "We're spice runners. Maybe not completely 'legal' but not slave traders I assure you." "Look, princess, we'd love to help you but we can't. Now if you'll get out of our way so we can get to our ship we'll be on our way and so can you. Hope you find that sister of yours." Zorii said as she pushed past Artemis. "See ya around 'princess'." Poe said with a wink as he followed Zorii leaving Artemis alone and without any good lead to her sister.

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