Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Jake’s phone rang and he looked at it half-heartedly, groaning when he saw the caller ID. Why now? Ugh. He set down his remote control and picked it up lazily.

  “Hello?” He dragged into the phone.

  “Jake,” His father said authoritatively, “What is this nonsense I see in the papers? Tell me it isn’t true.”

  Silence from Jake’s end met Robert’s ears.

  “Jake?” Robert said, raising his tone slightly.

  “It’s true,” Jake said blankly, “I went out to have some fun.”

  A few seconds of silence passed between them before Robert sighed deeply. “Jake,” he started, “this is not a joke. I have investors wanting to pull out because of that stupid stunt you pulled. This isn’t like you.”

  “That isn’t my problem,” Jake answered bluntly.

  “Jake.” Robert said, his tone of voice angry now. Another lapse of silence passed between them. “It’s her isn’t it?” Robert spoke finally, his tone softer, much to Jake’s surprise.

  “What?” He said, caught totally off guard. He had expected the usual long lecture and he was prepared to hold his phone away from his ear but now instead, he pressed it even closer.

  “It’s Summer isn’t it?” He said. “What happened?”

  Where was this coming from? His father never cared. Why did he care now? “Why do you care, Dad? It’s not like you ever have.”

  Robert was caught by surprise at his son’s blunt response, “I do care, Jake. I just never had the time.”

  “What makes a difference now?” He shot back, “Summer and I are having problems, that’s all.”

  Robert couldn’t force him to do anything. He realized that right at that moment. Business and fatherliness were two separate scenarios altogether. He couldn’t soothe Jake, so at least…all he could do was advise him. “Fix it, then.” With that, he ended the call.

Jake threw his phone back on the sofa and grabbed his controller, continuing his game of Fifa. But his mind wasn’t in the game, no, his mind still darted back to the memory when he saw Summer locked with Alex.

The whole thing stabbed him thoroughly and repeatedly.

Alex didn’t come back to his penthouse after that. He didn’t care. He can go buy some other penthouse. He wasn’t welcomed back into his house again. That lying-

The door opened and shut close. Jake didn’t even have to look to know who it was. The sound of high heels clacking only further confirmed his guess. He pursed his lips. Has she been sent here by his father?
  “Yes, Holly?” He said, his eyes glued to the TV screen.

  “You need to talk to Summer,” She said bluntly.

  “I am busy now,” He quickly muttered.

  “I can get her on the phone.” She quickly said, pulling out her cell.

  “No,” Jake quickly protested, finally looking back at her. Holly challenged him. “Fine, I’ll call her later.”

  “You’d better.” Holly said. “I can always give Summer a ring to check.”

  “Alright, alright,” he sighed annoyed. “Anything else?”

  Holly tapped her chin sarcastically and thought, “Oh, keep off the tabloids.”


Somehow Summer felt a sense of déjà vu in all this. All cooped up in her apartment…heart in a million places at once, mixed feelings…sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

  “Here,” Amanda passed Summer a tub of Ben & Jerry’s, which she took gratefully. “I can’t believe I am letting you gain fat.”

  “What’s the point?” Summer said monotonously, not even bothering to hide her guilt nor her shame, “It’s not like it matters.”

  “Summer,” Amanda sighed deeply and turned her body to face her and in the midst she grabbed the TV remote and switched it off, earning a glare from Summer. “How many times do we have to go through this? It’s been 3 days and all you’ve done is wallow in guilt. How many times do I have to tell you before it’s etched into that pretty little mind of yours that it’s not your fault?”

  Summer looked at her best friend’s dead serious face and sighed in defeat. Amanda placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “You need to understand that you weren’t the only party involved, Sum,” Amanda started, “This is mostly all Alex’s doing. Can’t you see? He was the mastermind behind all this. You just believed him. That’s all.”

  Summer shook her head, “But Jake saw us kissing…” She managed out, as though the words pricked her tongue, “I didn’t even kiss him! It was Alex! He came onto me!”

  Amanda scrunched her eyebrows, “Wait, what?” she questioned, “You mean Jake’s pissed off because he saw Alex kissing you?”

  Summer nodded meekly, “I didn’t even kiss him back!”

  Amanda’s lips formed an ‘O’ shape as the whole thing clicked in her mind, “So basically, it’s all just a misunderstanding.”

  Summer was about to protest that it was her fault again when Amanda shushed her.

  “I know what to do.” Amanda said. “And there’s only one way this is going to work.”


Cameron walked in Jake’s penthouse and plopped down on the sofa next to Jake, sinking into the soft suede. He looked at his messed up best friend next to him and all he could do was sigh in disappointment.

  “What do you want?” Jake muttered.

  Cameron ignored Jake’s comment and came up with his own, “So,” he began, “has the player been played at last?”

  Jake turned to glare at his best friend. “I have not been played.” He muttered, but it sounded as though he was trying to convince himself…

  “Are you really going to let pride win this one over?” Cam scoffed.

  Jake didn’t respond but merely pursed his lips and looked away.

  “Whatever man,” Cam got up and started to head towards the door, “I’ll be at Cloud 9.”

With that, Cameron left Jake’s penthouse, just like that. But knowing Jake, he knew that he would show at Cloud 9. He was sure of it.



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