Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Do you believe in love at first sight? Well Cameron sure as hell does now. He snuck yet another glance at the stunning beauty Amanda sitting opposite him at their table, surrounded and accompanied by their best friends, whose fluent chatter played as a dim background music, half-invisible half-visible; heard but never concentrated on.

Cameron couldn’t explain how it felt. Butterflies were definitely one of them. He’d never felt this way in his entire life. He knew it wasn’t simply lust. In fact, he wouldn’t use that word to describe it at all. It was just that confirmation and affirmation the moment his eyes landed on her that she was the one. The one.


I mean, Amanda was like an angel! The way her dress fluttered around her and her golden blonde hair framing her perfectly painted face. It was as though there was this sort of glow around her that made her seem like a goddess in disguise. Her eyes twinkled when she smiled and her laughs…oh… don’t even start with the laugh. It sounded like the most melodious thing on Earth. Well, at least to Cameron anyway.

He looked up and gazed into her lovely blue orbs. She wasn’t looking at him, but even from a safe angle away, Cameron felt like he could just drown in those magnificent ocean blue eyes with swirls and swirls of blue hues in it. He was so dazed he didn’t notice her meet his gaze. Amanda felt her cheeks redden and she smiled automatically, feeling the temperature around her rise. Was he really staring at her?

Amanda let her mind make its description of Cameron. Tousled dark hair, mysterious dark blue eyes, well-built body…he was the exact description of a player. And Amanda knew better than to trust a player. In her high school days, she had seen her best friends slowly picked on one-by-one by players, stealing their hearts and crushing them, and then not sparing them a second glance later.

She’d been lucky though. If you’d met Amanda when she was 16, you wouldn’t recognize her. Big, thick framed glasses that was replaced by contact lenses now; metal braces that corrected her crooked teeth; hair in a ponytail; baggy clothes; there was literally nothing special about her. While Cam fit the perfect description of a player, she fit the perfect description of a stereotypical nerd in high school. So of course, the players back then didn’t even bother knowing about her existence, more less caring.

Amanda glanced away from his gaze and found her eyes on her plate. It was empty, except for the crumbs and pieces of food she’d dropped or crumbled off. She glanced at the tempting buffet tables around her and felt her stomach grumble oh-so slightly. Up till today, Amanda still wonders why she isn’t fat with the amount of food she consumes at one go. Oh damn.

She carefully pushed the chair out, sturdily grabbed her ceramic plate and descended to the buffet tables. She licked her lips. She’d already devoured most of the delicacies, what more could they possibly serve?

But just as she was about to place some warm scones on her plate, Cameron appeared next to her, surprising her and almost making her drop her plate in the midst of it. She scowled and gripped her plate even tighter. She could’ve dropped the scone!

  “Hello,” He beamed, peeking over her shoulder at her plate.

  “What’s it to you?” She snapped, unable to hide her anger at his surprise visit.

  Cameron felt a little pang at his heart at her snappish tone and backed off a little, “Just wanted to say hi.”

  Amanda sighed and apologized, “Sorry,” she said, looking into his eyes daringly.

 “No problem,” Cameron felt his signature smirk form itself on his lips. “So, what are you helping yourself to?”
  “Some scones,” Amanda started, her eyes scanning the food laid out before her, “Maybe some tarts and cake or something…”

  “You’re not afraid you’ll get fat?” Cameron asked amused, eyeing her as she practically devoured the food with her eyes.

  “Fat?” She repeated, scoffing. “I couldn’t get fat no matter how hard I tried. So I might as well eat.” She shrugged.

  Cameron nodded, impressed. Wow. He’d never seen a girl load so much fat food on their plate before. Oh, not to mention whip cream and honey. She took piece by delicious piece until it filled her plate to the brim. She grinned at him, took a fork and proceeded back to the table with him by her side.


But as they walked to the table, Cameron couldn’t help but think of how good she looked next to him.


You’d think only poinsettias were the only type of flower present in the Christmas Ball. But you’re wrong. Littered all over the garden property of the Dawson Mansion were carpet grass and all sorts of beautifully bloomed flowers.

Well of course, the Dawson’s had hired the best-of-the-best gardeners to tend their prize-winning garden. They could afford it, so why not? Besides, there were too much empty land on the property so why not grow some of the most stunning flowers, provided by mother nature?

And Zach was quick to find the roses, of course. As weird as it might have looked, he actually went around the whole back garden that was lighted up to find the most gorgeous roses there were. He’d seen sunflowers, daisies, tulips, hydrangeas…and finally, some types of roses. But of course, he wanted to find the most ravishing red rose there was, well, because you know, red roses represented none other than love.

Love? What does Zach have to do with love?

Well it’s been about a year now and Zach couldn’t deny it any longer. Havana had subconsciously stolen his heart and he’d been denying it until now. He liked her and that’s that. He couldn’t say the same for her but he had to say something. If he continued letting her wriggle underneath his skin, who knows? He might miss his chance. This was his lifeboat and he sure as hell isn’t going to let it sail away.

So he took about half an hour picking out roses from each other and at last found the most deep red rose he could find. He carefully plucked it from its root and examined it closer. The rose petals felt like velvet on his fingers and it still had tiny dew drops settling on its petals. Not to mention the blood red colour of the rose. Havana was going to love it.

Feeling confident, he then embarked on Phase 2 of his plan, which was of course, to find the subject of the whole plan. None other than Havana Parker; the girl who’d stolen his heart.


Hey guys!

Sorry for the wait! Busy weeeek!

Julia :)

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